Chapter 17

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Barry's Pov

As I was waiting to go on stage,I kept thinking about how to make it up to Trent.

He seems to be really mad,I expected it of course but it still hurts. I glanced to my side and saw him getting his microphone. He stood beside me and looked straight ahead,that's how I knew that he knows I'm looking at him.

I sighed and looked ahead too,
waiting for Rachel to call us out.

"And now from Dalton Academy,
please Welcome The Warblers!"

I smiled when I heard the crowd screaming and it only added on to my confidence.

I feel my Sebastian Smythe persona
slowly coming back and honestly,I don't know if I should be happy or scared.

I gave a curt nod to Thad and he nodded back before signaling the Warblers to go out. I purposely stayed back and fixed my blazer,
feeling a smirk form on my face.

Sebastian Smythe is back

Santana's Pov

"Wait a minute! Back up! What do you mean fucking Sebastian Smythe
is here?!?!" Puck immediately exclaimed once he got wind of the news.

Mr Shue raised an eyebrow "Language"

"And he's performing?!?!" Artie exclaimed right after.

Okay,I'll admit,I knew that he was here but he's performing too??

Rachel nodded "It's true"

Quinn and I shared a look but before one of us could say anything,two
other people suddenly entered.

"I'm sorry we're late,we had some difficulty getting here"

I widened my eyes when I saw it was Jake and Ryder. Their really only showing up now?!

"Ryder? Jake? Where have you two idiots been!?" Kitty said and smacked both their heads,making
me snicker.

"Oww! That hurts woman!" Jake said
and rubbed the part where Kitty hit him.

"Mr Shue! Kitty is abusing us again!"
Ryder yelled while Mr Shue shook his head.

Geez I forgot he was here. Probably still in shock from the fact that that
Meerkat is here.

"No but seriously,where have you two been? You guys are lucky that you came on time" Mr Shue then asked.

"Oh yeah,about that,Mr Badboy over here managed to mix up Central City
with National City" Ryder explained and rolled his eyes.

"There's a National City too?" I asked confusedly.

"Aparrently so"

"Umm did everybody just forget the bigger picture?? Hello?? Sebastian Smythe is here!" Finn then cut in.

Ryder furrowed his eyebrows "Who is here?"

I scoffed "Hard of hearing? Sebastian Smythe is here" I repeated.

"Wait wasn't he the former leader of the Warblers or something? The asshole that was on steroids?"Jake then asked.

"Wasn't the steroid thing because of Hunter Carrington?" Mike asked casually while fixing his hair in the mirror.

Not long after,Brittany entered the room. I automatically smiled when she came to me and pecked my lips.
I wrapped my arm around her,feeling
myself relax a bit

"Anyways,is he really going to perform just like that?" Tina asked.

I nodded in agreement "Tina asking the real questions"

"They're the Warblers,they'll figure something out" Mercedes stated in a "duh" tone.

Mr Shue then stood up and spoke
"Let's not focus on that now,we'll talk more about this later"

Kara's Pov

I smiled and clapped when Blaine and Kurt were done with their performance. Right after,Rachel came and spoke a bit before introducing the Warblers again.

I watched as they all came out and I quickly realized that an instrumental for Glad You Came was playing. Then they started harmonizing and someone was singing. I furrowed my eyebrows the moment I heard the guys voice.

Why does he sound so familiar?

Just then,the music actually started and a pathway was created by the members. I then saw someone walking through jaw dropped.


Barry's Pov

I started singing and dancing and it felt...amazing. I forgot how great this feels. As I look out to the crowd,
I felt nostalgic when I think about when I first performed this song.

I loved all our performances but Glad you came was always my favorite. It felt like my signature song and if you didn't know who I was,then you'll definitely know the lead guy on this song.

I smiled since the bridge was coming up but it immediately dropped when I saw someone awfully familiar in the crowd...


What the hell is she doing here?!!?
No no no no no this isn't happening right now,it can't be!!

Somehow,I managed not to mess up the performance in shock and before I knew it,it was over.

I was only looking at Kara throughout the rest of the performance and I could tell that she was just as shocked.

With one last glance at her,I quickly made my way backstage and leaned
against the wall,trying to recover from what just happened.

I had so many questions but the main one was definitely why she was even here.

I groaned and ran a hand through my hair,not caring if I messed it up.

I quickly got off the wall before my former bandmates came to me but I cursed when I heard someone call me.

That someone being my lovely wife.

I awkwardly turned around and gave a nervous smile.

I'm so screwed

Cisco's Pov



I stared at the screen like an idiot trying to process what I just witnessed.

Bartholomew Henry Allen,the most unorganized and awkward person I know,FREAKING DID THAT?!?

When was this liar going tell me that he can sing and dance?!?! It's as if someone had possessed him,I refuse to believe MY Barry Allen did that!

H.R.,who looked like he was in a daze,finally spoke "Cisco! Which Earth is that Barry from? I thought we weren't going to mess with the multiverse again!"

"Believe me I'm trying to figure out the same thing" I muttered weakly.

"This getting ridiculous,I need coffee" Caitlin spoke and tried to get up before remembering she couldn't.

"Oh well,this was fun but I'll be leaving now,until next team Flash"
Music Meister announced before disappearing.

"He's really going leave just like that?" I questioned in full offense.

"So are we going talk about it or-"
I quickly cut H.R. off

"Oh you can bet I'm going to give that traitor a piece of my mind when I see him!"

"We are going to karoake though right?" H.R. then asked as I got up.

"Duhh" I said as Caitlin got up too.

"Now I really need coffee" Caitlin said as she walked away.

Heyo 🥂

Get ready guys this is where the story really begins😈😃

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys again in the next chapter 🙏 😀 😊 ❤

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