Chapter 6

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Barry's Pov

"Felicity?" I said in shock,I almost stood up.

Why is she here? I swear this is karma for all the wrong things I did as Sebastian Smythe. Everyone is going to find out now!

She smiled but frowned when she saw alot of people already with me.

"Dang Barry,you've become the social butterfly" She said in amusement.

"Why is she calling you Barry?"
Thad asked whispering.

My past and present in the same room? This is just fucking fantastic

"Umm guys,meet Felicity Smoak,
one of my friends. Felicity,meet everyone else" I said awkwardly,
wishing that someone would just kill me already.

"You look like my cousin" Brittany said and tilted her at Felicity.

"Uhh thanks? It's nice to meet you guys but do you mind if I borrow Barry for a few seconds?"

"Felicity right? Why do you keep calling Sebastian Barry?" Nick asked confusedly.

I facepalmed silently. Felicity then became confused aswell.

"Who's Sebastian?" She asked.

Before Nick could say anything,I jumped up and said "Sure let's go,
I'll be right back guys" I said not really coming back.

"I know what you're trying to do Seb,that's why I suggest you stay here and talk" Wes said,
challenging me to leave.

I glared at him and took Felicity's
wrist,going to the other side of the place.

Author's Pov

The old and new Warblers,
including Brittana observed Barry
or Sebastian have a conversation with Felicity. The conversation seemed to be serious.

"Am I the only one still wondering why she called him "Barry?"
Nick spoke first to the group.

"I'm telling you,he's hiding something big and we need to find out what" Santana stated.

"For starters,why is he so nice? He hardly said something rude or sarcastic" Thad said in concern.

"Maybe he's changed" A new warbler said.

"Did you also notice that he's calling us by our first names?"
Wes said and looked behind him.

"Wes can you tell us what happened exactly before you came here?" Jeff asked.

Wes then explained everything in detail to them.

"I'm sorry what? You two reunited on the street?" Santana questioned.

"Yeah pretty much" Wes shrugged.

Brittany looked confused at everything "What are we talking about again?" She asked nobody in particular

Barry's Pov

I pulled Felicity to the corner and immediately hugged her. I then broke the hug and said.

"Its always a pleasure to see you Felicity but you came at possibly the worst moment"

She chuckled and looked at the table where they were watching the two.

"I figured" She said.

"But is everything alright? You look nervous......wait is Oliver okay?" I said suddenly becoming worried.

"Oliver's fine,he's at S.T.A.R Labs with Caitlin and Cisco... but there is a problem"

"Ok what is it?" I asked.

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