Chapter 16

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Trent's Pov

I was sitting on a bench and patiently waited for the announcement since the Warblers are going to perform soon.

My thoughts began to wander and I find myself looking back to my encounter with Sebastian.

I had so many questions,I wanted to rant and yell..instead I just walked away. How could he?! He was gone for so long and now he showed up as if everything was okay,along with the others.

It wasn't for me though.

Sure,I won't deny the fact that I missed my bestfriend,my brother but can he really bring back all those lost years?

Yet,even though I'm mad...I can't bring myself to hate him,I just can't.  Some maybe thinking that I'm overreacting and being dramatic but nobody understands what I went through.


Just then,I suddenly heard voices near me. I looked to my left and saw
David and Nick coming in my direction. I stood up as I saw Rachel coming from behind them and watched her go onstage.

There were some technical difficulties and she decided to entertain the audience with I don't know what.

I looked around and saw that everybody but Thad was here. My face scrunched up as I looked for him. I then turned to Jeff,who was fixing his in-ear,and spoke.

"Hey Jeff where's Thad?"

Jeff shrugged "No clue. All I know is that Mercedes will definitely explode if he doesn't get his ass over here"

Nick suddenly joined and put his arm around Jeff "Did you guys hear the rumor?"

I looked at him confusedly "What rumor?"

"That Sebastian is here!" Nick exclaimed.

I looked at him in shock as I registered what he just said. There's no way...

"I'm sorry what?" Jeff said dumbfounded.

"Nick where did you hear that?" I asked in a serious tone.

"I heard Santana and Quinn talking earlier" He said casually.

Jeff hit Nick's head from the back but not hard.

I sighed. Boyfriend privileges.
If that was me,I would have probably had a concussion.

Okay that was dramatic but I wouldn't put it past him to be honest.

"What did I tell you about eavesdropping?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping!"

Jeff was about to say more but I immediately cut him off.

"Before we go off topic,what if Sebastian is actually here?"

"Like I said,it's just a rumor. Maybe it isn't true"

"I'd think again if I were you"

I immediately recognized the voice and realized that Thad was coming towards us. I was about to speak but I felt my throat go dry when I saw someone awfully familiar. I looked at my bandmates and they looked dumbfounded too,Nick's jaw had dropped and Jeff widened his eyes.

"HOLY SHIT YOU CAME!" Nick then exclaimed.

I just stayed quiet as I watched the Warblers go over to Sebastian while greeting him and giving him hugs.
Jeff and Nick of course had to be extra and jump on him again like they did at Jitters but before they could,Sebastian immediately hid behind David.

"Ha! You thought!" Sebastian said and gave his signature smirk.

I look at Nick and Jeff,who were now pouting.

David rolled his eyes, turning to Sebastian and giving him a hug
"Hey man! Glad you came"

Sebastian snickered "I see what you did there"

"Wait what?" Thad says confusedly.

Wes rolled his eyes "This dumbass"

"Anyways,why the sudden change of heart?" Nick asked curiously.

I raised an eyebrow when Sebastian looked at me. What's with him?

He shrugged "I just missed you guys and thought why not have a little fun"

Jeff then wrapped his arms around Sebastian,giving him a side hug

"Wait you're wearing our uniform! Are you performing with us?!" A new Warbler asked excitedly.

I looked at Sebastian in shock but he just smirked and looked at me again.

"Among other things"

Before anyone se could say something,Rachel suddenly entered the scene.

"Hey you guys re-" She immediately stopped talking when she saw Sebastian.

"Sup Rachel" Sebastian greeted casually.

Her jaw dropped "Sebastian Smythe?!? You?! Here?! What the hell!! And did you just call me by my first name-"

I quickly stepped in "Rachel calm down"

I gulped when I saw Mercedes coming too "What the fuck is taking so lo-oh you can't be serious right now" She cut herself off immediately by the sight of Sebastian.

The guy was also about to greet her but she was faster.

"I don't even want to know what's going on here,but you people better get out there!"

"Wait! I want to perform too!" Sebastian cut in.

"You sure you can perform Seb? It's been awhile-"

"Please,I can do this in my sleep. What's the first song?" He asked while fixing his sleeves.

Nick scoffed "Glad you came obviously"

"Even better! Let's go already!"

I watched as Sebastian ran out with the rest of the Warblers behind him
while I stood there in disbelief.

Is he seriously going to perform with us just like that? I sighed and quickly went after them.

Mercedes Pov

"I have to be hallucinating,I did not just see our former rival" Rachel said as she sat down.

"I know..."

"He seemed kinda off though"

I looked at her confusedly "Off how?"

"Well,for instance,He called me by my first name" She said and I almost choked on nothing.

"Are you serious??" I asked with wide eyes.

That man is either possessed or he's on drugs. One of the two because ain't no way-

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard one of the stylists calling us.

"We need to go,we'll talk about this later"

Rachel nodded and got up.

I couldn't help but wonder what Sebastian Smythe is doing here,in Central City and at the Reunion right now. I never thought I'd see him again...

Caitlin's Pov

The amount of questions I had was unbelievable.

What the hell is going on??

"I'm sorry but why is nobody talking about the fact that he's going to freaking sing?!?" Cisco then exclaimed.

"You'd be surprised" I mumbled,
remembering the night where I was drunk and we were doing karoake.

I know Barry can sing,that's probably
the only thing that didn't surprise me.

It was everything else.

Hey Guys 😃😃

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you guys again in the next chapter 🙏 😀 😊 ❤ 🙂

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