Chapter 1: "It hurts, Raph"

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Mikey stood shell-shocked, Leo had sacrificed himself. And Mikey couldn't believe it. He couldn't accept it, he tried so hard to protect us, and now he's gone? No.. Mikey had to do something, he couldn't just let Leo give himself up, he had to save him. After all, He's the world's greatest mystic warrior. Casey said so.

Mikey lifted his arms trying to focus all his energy on opening a portal, on saving Leo. All his thoughts on his older brother. On how much he wanted to see him, how much he'd miss him, how much he loves him, how much he needs him to be here, to be safe. But nothing happened, no mystic powers, no portals appearing. Tears gushed down his cheeks, hitting the concrete below him as he continued to think of a life without leo if he couldn't save him.

A world without Leo. A world with no Leo to cheer him up with goofy puns when he was feeling down. No Leo to explain the jokes in movies he didn't understand. No Leo to sneak into the kitchen late at night with. No Leo to guide him through his panic attacks. No Leo to show him new dance trends.  No Leo to cry with at the end of a sad movie. No Leo to draw with him. No Leo to host stuffed animal tea parties with. A world without Leo... What a terrible thought. "Please mystic powers, please work" He begged as he strained the muscles in his arms, hoping for something to happen. Anything to happen.

Raph heard Mikey's cries, lifting his head to his orange bandana wearing brother. "Mikey, that's enough" Raph started with a huff, his voice cracking ever so slightly. "It's over" Raph spat with a jostle of his shoulders. It hurt to hear Mikey's sobs, knowing he contributed to his pain during his Krangified state. 

"Leo never gave up on us" Mikey cried, "I'm not giving up on him!" and in a burst of anger and grief a blaring light shined upon the youngest of the turtle brothers. The light caught the attention of the other two brothers, causing them to stare in awe at their little brother. A golden light shined through a crack that tore through the space in front of Mikey, the light getting brighter as Mikey tried to hold open the small tear. 

Raph and Donnie scrambled to Mikey's side in an instant. "Mikey, whatever you're doing, don't stop!" Raph shouted over the sound of Mikey struggling to keep himself standing. The tear largened in front of them creating a large glowing golden ring the middle filled with pure light, temporally blinding the three turtles who stood in front of it. But Mikey couldn't handle the pure power radiating from the circular crack that tore through the fabric of reality. Mikey tried to focus his energy on the portal but as orange cracks started to climb up his arms the portal started to collapse in on itself. When Raph and Donnie noticed the portals decreasing size they looked to their youngest brother, seeing the scars that climbed his body like vines on a decaying building. They saw the tears that poured down his face and the way his body shook in response to the mystic powers that were trying to consume him. "We're here Mikey!" Raph yelled over Mikey's pained screams. Him and Donnie placed their hands on Mikey's shoulders, the orange cracks climbing up their arms as well. "We'll get through this, together!" Raph declared strongly. 

Mikey wanted to save Leo, like Leo had saved him many times before. But his legs ached and his arms burned, blood seeping through the glowing tears in his skin. His eyes were in pain from the light of the portal and all the crying he had done through the day, especially in this moment. "It hurts, Raph!" Mikey sobbed to his elder brother. "Please, make it stop!" Mikey cried out as the power from the portal pushed him back, his feet digging into the concrete ground below him. 

"You got this Mikey!" Raph wrapped his other arm around Mikey's shell trying to keep him in place. "We believe in you, I got ya' little bro" Raph tried to support Mikey, trying his best to keep him up-right. "You can save him Mikey, I know you can. You gotta keep going, please!" Raph encouraged.

Donnie's metal arms came from out of his battle shell, also trying to assist Mikey's standing. With new found confidence Mikey Turned back to the portal staring right into the shining center. Mikey yelled out a sort of battle cry, his vision dulling as the portal gave out a final flash of light before the center cleared showing into the prison dimension. And the three brothers face's softened with relief when they laid their eyes on their blue themed brother who they only minutes ago believed to be dead. 

The three turtles watched as Leo reached out to the portal, a tired and pained smile on his face. "Took you long enough" The battered turtle joked. The three smiled, tears of relief falling from their eyes. Raph took his arm from Mikey's shoulder, activating his own mystic powers he reached his red transparent arm into the portal grabbing onto Leo's outstretched hand and pulling him to the portal entrance.

Though apparently the universe just couldn't let them off that easily. The Krang appeared behind Leo latching onto his ankle. "Leo!" Raph shouted with immense concern.

Donnie was furious, after everything they had been through today they just couldn't catch a break, he just wanted to safely go home with his brothers. Donnie pulled out his tech-bo summoning his large drill atop it. "Let go of my brother!" Donnie cried, launching the drill into the portal, hitting the Krang in his mushy purple face. The Krang let go of Leo now trying to stop the drill that was grinding into his face. Giving Raph the opportunity to pull Leo through the portal. 

Mikey's smile grew knowing his brother was finally safe. Turning back to the portal he saw the Krang nearing the entrance, winking at the krang Mikey used his hands to imitate the motion he had seen Leo use to close portals with his swords during battles.

And with that the portal was closed, the Krang were gone and Mikey's brothers were safe. "Ew, are we in stanten island..?" Mikey heard Leo question from behind him. Mikey chuckled dryly to himself, happy Leo still had it in him to crack a joke.

"Come here" Raph instructed, pulling Leo and Donnie into a hug. He looked up seeing Mikey still standing. "Come on Mikey, ya' gotta get in on this hug action, Donnie ain't even complaining 'bout it" Raph said with a hearty laughed. 

"Hey!" Donnie whined in protest to Raph's statement. only receiving a chuckle from Raph in response. All three brothers looked up to Mikey, who stood silently with his shell to them. "Mikey?" Donnie spoke just above a whisper, confusion lacing his voice.

Mikey slowly turned around on wobbly legs. His arms limp at his sides, his face and bandana stained with his tears, blood dribbling down his arms. "You're safe" He stated happily. A tired smile taking over his features as his eyes closed softly. He started to sway as he tried to walk towards his brothers. "I love you guys" He said in a single breath, before collapsing right before his brothers. 


*~(I'm dying: an authors note)~*

Alright first of all i'm sorry this is so short but it's just the begining bit of the story and also I did try to continue the chapter but everything I wrote after the collapse just felt kinda wrong so i decided to just leave it there. the following chapters will be longer. Especially once we get into the real good stuff, but right now its kinda just setting up the setting for the rest of the book.

I really hope this and the next few chapters following don't absolutely suck since I'm writing this on like a cup full of cheerios, three mugs of over-sweetened coffee and like 5 hours of sleep in the last 30 hours. to sum up.. I am tired. And don't worry (2012)Mikey is coming but I have to build up to it ya' know?

- Your favourite tired author

Pages: 4.1

Words: 1,469

Edited: I guess. 

Author: Tired.

Feel free to point out errors or give suggestions or opinions in the comments!

Where I Can Protect You (A 2012 Mikey meets Rottmnt fic)Where stories live. Discover now