Chapter 2: "I'm scared"

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Raph paced around the subway car Mikey had transformed into his makeshift bedroom. Glancing at his bed-ridden brother every once in a while. Mikey had been rushed to the lair upon his brothers realising the severity of the situation. Mikey's condition had only worsened as the days passed, though only three had. Mikey hadn't awoken in that time, he was covered in a cold sweat and consistently stirred in his sleep. Raph along with his brothers were all becoming extremely worried over Mikey, all taking turns to look after him during the day and through out the night. it was currently Raph's turn and he was raking his brain for any way to help his little brother that they hadn't already tried. Splinter told them not to worry so much, arguing that Mikey was a strong one and he would recover in no time, but no time had become three days and the turtles could realise Splinter's hope was waning.

April and Casey also checked on Mikey frequently, April had even brought Casandra over for a brief while. She wasn't very comforting but she brought a loud energy to the lair that hadn't been present since before the krang invasion. Raph snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Mikey gasping for air behind him, wheezing, and coughing up blood that splattered to the floor or stained his sheets. "Mikey!" Raph shouted on instinct, quickly crouching down to his brothers side. He tried to prop the younger turtle up, trying to do something to make breathing easier for him. Mikey's pained gasps and coughs slowly began to ease up, much to Raph's relief. 

Raph sighed, tears welling in his eyes at the painful sight of his baby brother struggling to stay alive. Raph scooped Mikey into his arms -just wanting to be closer to his younger brother- sitting on the bed below him with Mikey laying stiffly in his arms. Raph began to sob, pulling his brother into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry Mikey!" He cried. "Please wake up Mikey! We need you, I need you!" He sobbed relentlessly. "More than you could ever know" They stayed like that for a while, Raph sobbing over his unconscious brother who was cuddled up to Raph's plastron seemingly enjoying the surprising amount of warmth Raph let off.

Donnie entered the the subway car, immediately taking notice of how Raph was holding Mikey. It wasn't the first time someone had walked in to see another cradling the small boy. "Raph" Donnie spoke dryly, making Raph aware of his presence. Donnie approached slowly, almost surprised to hear Raph's sobs and pleas to their younger brother. "Raph you need to rest" Donnie expressed. Everyone knew Raph was trying his best to keep himself together, he hadn't cried once since the Krang invasion, at least not around the brothers, so in a way hearing Raph finally let out all his pent up feelings was refreshing. Donnie only received a harsh shake of his head from Raph in response. Donnie sighed, it was always hard to get the person on Mikey-watch-duty to leave and rest, and Donnie would be a liar if he said he hadn't also been difficult when it came to leaving Mikey's side. "I can let you stay for a few more minutes but then you have to take a break" Donnie negotiated with the larger turtle. Donnie sat next to Raph on the bed, soft sobs taking over the silence. they sat there for around twenty minutes, longer than Donnie was planning on letting Raph stay but listening to Raph's muffled cries he figured Raph needed this. 

Donnie's mind had occupied some terrifying thoughts as Raph's silent pleas filled the air. Thoughts about if Mikey never woke up. What would they do without him, what could they do without him? Donnie tried to image a world without Mikey. A world where his little brother never came into his lab to bother him while he worked, putting stickers all over his equipment that would surely leave disgusting residues behind. A world where he never got dragged into participating in silly tea parties Mikey would childishly host. A world where he never got woken up in the middle of the night by Mikey's loud music blaring through the lair. A world where Mikey would never be there to paint his nails -sure Leo could do it but he never added the cute little designs like Mikey would- and laugh when Donnie complained about the awful smell. A world where he never got to walk into the kitchen in the early morning to see Mikey trying out a new recipe he had seen on tv. Oh gosh, a world without Mikey's cooking sounded dreadful to Donnie. If there was no Mikey who would bring him a late night drink, inevitably staying behind in the lab to pester Donnie with questions about whatever he was doing, till he eventually fell asleep against Donnie's shoulder. A world without Mikey.. what a bleak thought. 

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