Chapter 5: "Getting out of the way"

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Raph always used to wish his brothers would shut up. Stop talking, ranting, whining, just be quiet. They were always so infuriating. The lair was always full of life, with Mikey and Donnie and Leo, keeping the volume turned to 100% at all times, there was barely ever a dull moment. And sometimes it became too overwhelming for Raph. All he wanted was some peace and quiet. But now.. it was different. He didn't want this silence.

When Mikey ran off, none of the brothers thought much of it, it was just Mikey overreacting and throwing a fit. But after he didn't come back, things changed. Everything in the lair was different. It was quiet. There was no more Leo reciting Space Hero scenes, or Donnie excitedly spewing a bunch of science nonsense about his latest invention, or Mikey's loud music, or Mikey's long winded rants about something from whatever comic series he was currently obsessed with. The only things that would fill the silence in lair now were arguments or plans to find Mikey.

Originally the quiet atmosphere in the lair didn't bother Raph at all, but right now as he sat in the common room, he noticed how weird it was for there not to be something happening in the background, something like a tv show or conversation or even the sound of his brothers training. But there was nothing, just a deafening silence. And while Raph could usually appreciate the silence, this silence was different. It was as if the silence was mocking him. It was almost as if the silence had it's own voice, and it was using it to terrorize him, constantly reminding him, "Your brother is gone. You'll never find him. He's dead by now. He's probably staying away because he hates you" The silence's words weren't so silent to Raph. Oh, and the silence could never forget to remind Raph about his other two brothers. "They hate you. They can't even stand being in the same room as you. They're loosing hope and it's all your fault. Leo will probably call off the searches for Mikey and all because you can't shut your stupid mouth. I bet Donnie and Leo blame themselves, you told them it was their fault after all. You had to go and cause all of this trouble for them just because you didn't want to take responsibility. Everyone knows this is your fault. You drove Mikey away. You made him hate you, hate being in the lair, hate himself. Your brothers wish it was you who was gone. They would probably celebrate if it was you who was missing. Maybe you could help them by getting out of the way" The silence was cruel. Raph knew exactly what it was suggesting. He looked to his side where his sai's were, hesitantly picking one up. "Just do it. They would be better off without you here. Plunge it deep enough and all of their problems could go away" The silence was taunting him. Raph was scared of the silence. He hated it, because he knew it spoke the truth. But he could fix everything. He could make it easier for his brothers. This is what they wanted.. right?

"Raph!" Leo's voice snapped Raph out of his own morbid mind. "Come on, you and me are going up top to search for Mikey" Those words made Raph breath a sigh of relief, because Leo wasn't going to give up. Not yet. No matter what the silence said.

Casey was sat in Mikey's room, enjoying the memories the subway car held. It was full of pictures, trinkets, notebooks full of art, stuffed animals, and other things Mikey had collected over the years. During Casey's time in the lair he had come across many little things he recognised from the resistance base back in his time. Despite being happy in this time, happy the Krang were finally gone, happy his family was safe.. some of his family, Casey honestly felt quite lonely. It hurt him to have memories with the people around him that they didn't share. Memories he held dear to his heart that they never experienced. The worst person of all to have not remember him, his mom. Even though Leonardo and his mother were here, with him, it wasn't the same. As memories replayed in his mind on repeat, his eyes began to water. He wanted his family to be his family again. Things would never be the same, but maybe that was a good thing.

"I miss you, Master Michelangelo" He cried over the picture in his hands. He flipped out another image that had been taped onto the larger picture, making it look as though the two pictures were one. The main picture showed a younger Casey Jones standing next to a little girl, behind them stood five adults, a tech wizz, a mystic warrior, a great samurai, a commander, and a brave leader who held them together. On the other photo, that had been carefully taped on, was the great, the mighty, the fearless warrior, Commander Jones, or as he called her, Mom.

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