chapter 11: "Family"

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The lights that reflected on the wall glitched and changed colour as Raph placed a new movie into the projector. "This is art in our world, a true masterpiece" Raph stated proudly, picking up the remote and clicking the play button. Mikey stared at the 'screen' in wonderment, the opening credits of the movie being accompanied by a theatrical tune that played out into the room through speakers that were marked with a purple logo that was unfamiliar to Mikey. 

Raph watched the other Mikey watch the action that played out on the screen with stars in his eyes. For a moment, Raph thought he saw his own brother sitting there now, enjoying a movie he had seen a thousand times over as if it was his first. But the person in front of Raph wasn't his brother, not really. Raph felt his hands begin to shake. He could feel his teeth rooted in his skull, his bandana against his scales, a pressure behind his eye. he could feel it along his skin, a crawling, a slithering, a burning. His heart was beating in his ears and a pain that scolded his chest accompanied every thump. He took sloppy steps backwards, uncoordinated and without purpose. "Raph? Where are you going?" When Raph's eyes flickered down he saw the questioning gaze of a little kid, his brother, not an interdenominational mistake. But when he blinked, his brother was gone and back was Mikey, the other Mikey.

Raph cleared his throat, his heart still drumming with daggers to his rib cage. "Raph is just gonna go grab some snack, yeah, snacks" He agreed with himself. Mikey gave him another look before shrugging and turning back to the movie, telling Raph not to be too long. "You got it buddy" Raph exclaimed with more effort than he'd like to admit. With that Raph turned and left to the kitchen.

The trip to the kitchen was short but felt like it had lasted a lifetime as Raph keeled over and collapsed onto the floor, his breathing heavy and his heart playing an entire symphony at this point. His eyes spilled over with tears, pooling into the hands that cradled his own face. "Raph just wants his baby brother back" He sobbed to no one but himself. The kitchen was empty. He was alone.


"Ugh, it smells putrid down here" Groaned the scientist. "How have you stayed down here for so many years" he fussed, staying close to the shorter man who walked ahead of him. 

Splinter rolled his eyes, sick more from the complaining than the smell. "You are a very whiny man" Splinter sighed, massaging the spot between his eyes with his index finger and thumb. 

"Whine?!" Draxum shouted in offense. "The great Baron Draxum does not whine! He complains within the warrant of fact!" He argued, with a pointed finger directed towards the rat man. 

"You are unbearable company" Splinter groaned. 

Splinter and Draxum had made their entire journey to the lair through the sewers, and Draxum had made a point to complain the entire time. Usually they would've walked some of the way on the surface, but after the invasion, tensions ran high with everyone on the surface, one thing too off from the usual new york oddity and phones would be whipped out and authorities on site within seconds. It was dangerous, it had always been a danger for Splinter and his boys, but now it was more so. Despite their family being the thing to put an end to the Krang they received no thanks nor immunity to the cruelty of the world they protected. The losses they faced meant nothing to people who never met their sadness. 

Splinter felt fatigue cling to his body like dried sweat after a marathon. It was uncomfortable and a reminder of just how exhausted he was. He didn't want to be alone, but he didn't want others to witness his sorrow. He just wanted to rest, but lately any sleep he got was restless, and the bags under his eyes only got deeper. He looked over his shoulder at Draxum, the man looked tired as well. Draxum always had bags under his eyes, but as Splinter looked at him now they looked a little more purple than usual.

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