Chapter 9: "Twins"

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Raph cradled Leo in his arms, careful of his hold on his injured brother. His mind was plagued with worried thoughts, the right side of his head aching as he tried to stay conscious. Donnie was taking Mikey back to the layer, making sure he was in stable condition before worrying about getting Leo and Raph back to the lair so they could receive the medical attention necessary. 

Raph looked to his brother, his previous task being remembered; to keep himself and Leo conscious. Leo's eyes had slipped shut, but Raph didn't know if he had actually fallen asleep yet. "Hey, come on buddy, ya' gotta open your eyes" He said, his voice scratching inside his throat. Raph tried to ignore the pain radiating from his eye, trying to ignore the obvious wrong, but he couldn't help but wince at the sharp pains that would shoot through his frame. 

Leo felt a nudge on his shoulder and a whisper nearby and jolted up, being stopped by a hand on his plastron before he could get too far. His mind was cloudy and his thoughts were far between each other. He tried to focus his vision on the one keeping him from getting up, expecting to see a snarling pinkish face, but instead his hazy sight brought the comforting sight of his brother. "Raph," Leo quietly mumbled out to the best of his ability. "What happened?" He questioned, once again trying to sit up but being pushed back down by Raph's hand.

"Don't move, just stay still" Raph instructed briefly, worried Leo would somehow injure himself further. "Donnie's taking Mikey back home, then we'll get you home too" He explained. 

"Mikey.. is he..?" Leo drawled out. His exhaustion weighed him down but his concern still stayed evident in his mind. He was sure something was broken, probably a minor fracture to his shell, but he couldn't bring himself to worry about his own injuries, only fear for the health of his brother who had sacrificed his own well being to save Leo.

"He's gonna be okay, Donnie's gonna get him set up in the med-bay" Raph hoped that by the time they got to the lair Mikey would be awake, that he'd say he was okay and that he was just tired.

Leo nodded and seemed at ease. His eyes were open though they sagged with exhaust, he yearned to close them, to rest, but he knew he couldn't or he'd worry Raph. He tried to focus on other things, what had he been doing before? The prison dimension.. he had.. he made Casey close the portal. He felt terrible he had made Casey do that, he sounded so desperate, desperate to find another way. But there wasn't another way, and yet Leo was still alive. "Is everyone else okay?" He asked, his question ending in a cough that led into a deep wheeze.

Raph gave Leo a moment to recover before answering, tentatively placing a hand on the back of Leo's shell for support. "They're okay too" Was the answer he knew Leo needed to hear. "Donnie checked in with April and Pops when he reached the mainland," He paused for a moment, unsure if he should continue. "and no one can reach Casey" 


Donnie sat down with a huff, his exhaustion causing his back to slump, well that and his battle shell. He had finished tending to Mikey's wounds and set him up in his room since he knew how much Mikey hated the med-bay, always complaining that it was too dull or cold or boring, always one this or the other, not understanding why he wasn't allowed to paint or decorate the room with anything he pleased. obviously it was because Donnie didn't want to risk anything contaminating the one room he had been able to keep sterile. He had prepared the med-bay for when Raph and Leo arrived, everything he thought he'd need for Leo's injuries available on a tray by the beds.

He sluggishly lifted his arm, pressing a series of buttons on his tech wrist. He heard a click and then the sounds of rushed steps and ragged breaths. "April? April come in" He spoke into the piece of technology with an underlining stress in his tone. He feared the condition of his brothers could have worsened in the time he had spent away from them. His sight perked up when he heard Raph's voice saying something in the background, but he couldn't quite make it out.

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