Scrapped scenes special

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Alright, so here is the deal, there isn't a new chapter this weekend as I'm planning for the next chapter to be around 15 pages. So instead I offer you the scrapped scenes special that the Quotev readers received after chapter 3 was pushed back. Plus an extra scrapped ending as a special treat.

This scene takes place after the collapse

The three brothers separated from each other, rushing to their youngest brothers side. Raph scooped Mikey into his arms silently begging for any sign of life within his baby brother. "What's happening?!" Leo asked with deep concern for the orange bandana wearing turtle, worried tears gathering in his eyes. "Is he okay? He doesn't look okay!" Leo's voice was now a shout as gripped onto Mikey's hand, a comfort Mikey would have appreciated had he been awake. Leo turned to Donnie, who seemed to be in some sort of a haze. "Donnie do something!" Leo demanded. He didn't know what he expected Donnie to do but he was the smart one with the techy-do-dads that seemed capable of almost anything.

Donnie shook himself out of his shocked state, turning his attention to his tech-brace. " Well besides his obvious injuries he could have just passed out from exhaustion but I'll still run a scan just to check for any possible extra damage" Donnie muttered barely audibly but his brothers still heard. the brothers saw a light from Donnie's brace shine from head-to-toe over Mikey.

"A scan? Donnie, I don't even think he's breathing anymore!" Leo shouted at his purple adorned brother. "Well I don't know what you want me to do!" Donnie cried out, tears welling up in his eyes again. The two continued to argue back and forth, their anger obviously fueled by fear and pained exhaustion.

Raph just tuned them out a loud ringing taking over his ears as he stared at his small brother, unconscious in his arms. Raph made sure to check Mikey's breathing after Leo's comment. Luckily the small turtle was breathing but just barely. Raph's mind was racing with different thoughts, trying to think of what to do next. He looked at Mikey's pained expression, he knew he had to act quickly, even if he wasn't the leader anymore he was still the eldest and he couldn't just let Mikey... after everything, no. Raph was gonna save him. That was a promise.

"Would you two stop bickering!" Raph ordered. The two turtles in front of him snapped silent at his demand. "This is serious, we need to get Mikey back to the lair"

This scene was meant to follow either Mikey's collapse or death

Donnie was sitting in the silence of his lab where he'd usually be playing music. But after everything he couldn't bring himself to click play on the playlist. So he sat in silence instead. Staring at the spread out pieces on the desk in front of him, he took a deep breath before picking up his blowtorch and welding two pieces together. He had been locked up in his lab ever since Mikey's collapse, never leaving, not even for food. But Raph made sure to bring Donnie a few meals everyday, but when he'd come back to retrieve the dishes he'd notice only a few bites had been taken and the cup of water he brought in with every meal still hadn't been touched. Donnie couldn't stomach anything, not after holding Mikey in his arms and begging for him to open his eyes. He hadn't slept much either, only ever sleeping when his his body passed out from exhaustion. Any time he did sleep he dreamt of Mikey, he dreamt that Mikey was safe, that he was there in the lab with Donnie, sitting on the desk beside him kicking his legs back and forth happily, asking when Donnie would be done so they could go and play video games together. But when Donnie woke up he was reminded of reality, the reality that Mikey was far from even okay. Donnie had tried to keep himself busy with his projects, but doing anything was an excises for Donnie, his thoughts always elsewhere, and his hands jittering due to the amount of caffeine in his system.

This scene was supposed to follow Mikey's death

When Raph went towards his room to get ready for patrol he didn't expect to run into Leo in front of his room. "Leo?" Raph tried to keep his voice low as to not alarm the scowl wearing turtle. "Do you need something?" When Raph walked closer to Leo he noticed the smudged tears in the corners of his eyes. "Oh, Leo" Raph new Leo had also been trying to be strong for the team.. whats left of the team. But Leo's over emotional state often made it harder for him to lead the team. The only thing that kept Leo going during the Krang invasion was knowing that his team needed him, that the world needed him, that Raph needed him. The thought that there was still something he could do, some way to help but now there was nothing he could do. Mikey was gone and Leo couldn't save him.

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