Chapter 7; Part 1: "Pain"

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The lair was silent. Leo and Raph were sure their blood would turn to ice if it ran any colder. Mikey, Mikey, Mikey, the name repeated itself a million times in Casey's mind. Raph tried to think of an excuse, there's gotta be tons of orange bandana wearing mutant turtles named Mikey, this is New York after all, it wouldn't be the weirdest thing he's seen, plus Leo's portals could lead to anywhere in the world, It's probably just some one in a million coincidence. That's it, just a crazy coincidence.

Leo's mind was racing with questions. Where did that portal lead? Why was this guy's name Mikey? Why did they look so similar? Why was he so beaten up? Is it possible he really is..? No. Of course not, that's just wishful thinking. Leo looked to Casey, who looked like he had just seen a ghost, though he might as well of. Leo needed answers, now. "Where did that portal lead?" He marched up to Mikey, ready to throw a punch if it meant getting answers, that or he was about to cry, he couldn't tell.

Mikey's heart was beating rapidly. How is he supposed to answer that? If anything he wanted an answer to that question just as much as this look-alike weirdo did. "I don't know" He answered honestly, his voice shaking. Damn, all that screaming really did a number on his throat.

"What do you mean you don't know?! Where were you before the portal opened?!" Leo interrogated, grabbing Mikey by the top of his plastron and pulling him forward.

Mikey winced when Leo yanked him forward, his entire body ached, especially his shell and plastron. Where was he before? A facility? Mikey could only guess where he had been. He often wondered if he was still in New York, or on earth at all. All he knew for sure was he wasn't anywhere good, not even anywhere decent. he knew that anywhere else was better, literally anywhere else. He hadn't slept properly for days, weeks, maybe even a month, he couldn't tell how long it had been. Mikey felt tears gather in his eyes as the memories came back.

Raph saw the way Mikey started to tremble and the way his eyes glazed over. He grabbed the arm that Leo was holding Mikey's plastron with and shoved Leo away. "Back off, you're scaring him" he said, wearing his 'I'm warning you' glare. When his gaze fell back to Mikey is eyes softened. Raph placed his hands on his knees as he crouched down to Mikey's height. "You don't have to answer right now" He kept his voice as soft as possible when speaking to Mikey, the poor thing looked so fragile in Raph's eyes. "How about we get you patched up?" Raph suggested. He was worried about the condition of Mikey's injuries, they looked pretty bad and it didn't seem like they had been tended to.

Mikey nodded. He knew he wasn't in the best condition, getting his wounds treated sounded like the best idea. Everything hurt, he couldn't separate what pain was coming from which injury but he knew they all hurt. though even after.. however long he was there, his priorities still fell in the same place, so he couldn't help but ask, "Is there-.. Is there anything I could eat?" He couldn't remember how many days it had been since he had eaten. When was the last time they fed him? He couldn't remember, but whatever it was he probably didn't keep it down.

Raph managed a small smile at that. "Yeah, why don't we head to the kitchen, I can get you a snack and some painkillers" He chuckled. His smile spread further as he noticed the corners of Mikey's mouth twitch up as he nodded. "Come on, kitchens this way" He motioned behind himself with his hand.

Mikey tried not to flinch when he noticed Raph's hand moving towards his shell, but once Raph actually placed his hand on Mikey's shell and attempted to guide him towards the kitchen Mikey couldn't help but lurched forward away from Raph's touch. "No!" He screamed on instinct.

Raph instantly backed away, putting his hands up to show he wasn't a threat. "I'm sorry!" He shouted, his voice filled with concern. "No touching the shell, got it" He nodded. This only worried him more, what had this kid been through to make him react like that? When he looked down to Mikey's shell to get a better look, his eyes widened in alarm. He gave a quick glance to Casey who looked on the verge of a panic attack, stuck in his own terrifying mind Raph was sure. When Raph's gaze turned ot Leo, Leo stared back with the same amount of horror and concern. He knew they were having the same thought, "What the fuck happened to this kid?" it was as if they could read each others mind just from the look in their eyes.

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