Ch. 6

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The next day Steve had went and got some groceries for the house.

Though he was happy that Eddie would be free to leave any time he felt like it, Steve couldn't help but hate the thought. He liked not having to be alone in the house all the time. He liked the sound of Eddie's music, though he hated the music itself, he liked the fact that it was there and it wasn't on because of Steve.

As much as he wanted to deny it, he did find himself missing Eddie, before he had even left.


Eddie was beginning to feel a little better, maybe not so much physically, but emotionally he was much better. He had begun to forgive Steve and the others for leaving him. He knew that they thought he was dead, and they needed to get those with a pulse out. He knew if they thought, even for a second, that Eddie was still technically alive, they would have found a way to bring him home.
Eddie was...nervous to say the least. As much as government could say it, the people of Hawkins wouldn't see him as anything other than a satanist, cult leader, that killed kids in a series of rituals. They could look past all of the actual inter-dimensional shit, but when they saw someone that was different, they were willing to make him take the fall.


Steve had made dinner for he and Eddie.
Eddie had been making the housewife jokes all the time. Steve thought they would be funny...if he thought it wasn't true. He did act like a housewife sometimes.


The time came around, on a rather sunny day in August, the whole town was rallied together in the city hall.


Steve found Dustin and gave him a simple run down of what's about to happen.

"I know we have all had a hard time in recent events what with the earthquakes and the murders, but there is an official here that was wanting to address something with you, the people of Hawkins." The mayor introduced the man as a 'Mr. Johnston'.


"Thank you mayor. First and foremost, we are working our hardest to find the reasoning behind this earthquake. One of this magnitude does not simply...happen. We have been working nonstop to find the source." He explained, the occasional complaint from the crowd, or a baby cry interrupting.
"Another thing, we, the US government, have been wanting to announce, Edward C. Munson, has been deemed innocent. He was simply judged wrongfully-"
"Bullshit! That man is a murderer!" An older, gruff looking man shouted.
"Sir, contain yourself. As I was saying, He was judged wrongfully. We have done an in-depth investigation, and have decided he is and or was an innocent man. We do not know his whereabouts, so we are saying this now, if you see him, do not be alarmed. He is not to be considered armed or dangerous. If we get reports of him being harassed, assaulted, bothered, or in any way, shape or form being pestered, we will have a word with you, or possibly arrested depending on the offense." He said.
Dustin was almost in tears, as well as the rest of the group, but Dustin and Steve knew something the others didn't. They know where Eddie is.


The man continued on with updates on their latest research of the earthquake and how they are helping at the moment. Where to go if you need this or you saw that.

When the city gathering was over Dustin was beaming. He was so very happy.
The group had asked why he was so happy. They had thought Eddie was still dead, and Henderson did feel bad about not telling them, but he was not sure if Eddie wanted them to know just yet.

Steve drove home and found Eddie curled into a lose fetal position, sleeping on the futon in his living room. Steve tried his best to stay quiet as to not wake the  drowsy metal head, though his attempts were all for nought, he accidentally dropped a can of peas on the counter a little too hard.

Eddie woke up in a panic, hearing the sharp pop of what sounded to be a gunshot, looking around though, he only saw Harrington speeding out of the kitchen to check on him.
"Shit. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep." The 'housewife' apologized.

"It's okay. I think I'm going to shower, god knows I need it." He laughed and began the slow process of a shower. It took him about an hour and half in total to shower himself. Steve was always by the bathroom when Eddie was in there, making sure he could hear if the other needed him.

Steve had done this every time Eddie was somewhere without him. He knew he shouldn't worry as much as he does about Eddie, but he can't help but feel guilty about his injuries. He feels as if it was solely him that inflicted the wounds on Eddie, he knew that's not what happened but he felt like it was. He felt horrible about letting Eddie get this hurt and leaving him there. He felt awful, for being a shitty friend, he was the protector, right?


Eddie got dressed, very slowly, and made his way out of the bathroom.

Steve was on the couch, looking at the stairs looking almost like he was crying,   when Eddie walked down them he looked away.

"So, Who all do you want to tell? Because the town meeting was today and you are officially innocent. So do you want to tell the others?" Steve sniffled, and smiled.

The smile was weak and tired. It was forced, but he didn't want anyone to know that.

"I suppose we should...I don't know where I'm going to stay though." Eddie spoke. He wasn't wrong, he really didn't have anywhere to stay, his trailer was demolished, his uncle was only provided with a one bedroom.

"Stay with me. My parents are never home, sucks sometimes, but that way you don't have to worry about finding somewhere to stay and not having to concern yourself with people you don't know." Steve shrugged.

If Steve was being honest he wanted Eddie to stay.

If Eddie was being honest he wanted to stay.
"Yeah, okay. So, uh, should we call the others..?"

"Yeah. I'll be right back, Eddie."


"Everyone is here, Steve! What is it?!" Robin shouted.

"Don't be mad at Henderson or me,"

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