Ch. 3

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When Eddie awoke, he felt a sudden and distinct panic run through him, not knowing where he was or who's house he was in. He hadn't gotten any good rest the night before. The only rest he had gotten was plagued with flashbacks and nightmares. He sat up, feeling the stitches immediately as his entire body was sore. He felt as though he had got hit by a bus. He noticed there was a note on the bedside table that read, 'Hey I went to help with the shelter. There are some eggs and bacon in the fridge, BE CAREFUL going down the stairs. If you get hungry just help yourself to anything you find." signed 'later- Steve' at the bottom of the page.

Eddie wasn't looking forward to being alone all day, though he didn't think he had much choice.

He went downstairs and heated his breakfast, well lunch, as it was 1:20 P.M.


Steve picked Robin up, in an extra cheerful mood that Robin picked up on.

"You seem like you're feeling better?" She said, trying to get a reason. She wouldn't in this moment.

Steve wasn't sure if Eddie wanted everyone knowing just yet. Not only that, but he also wanted Eddie to start feeling better before he told anyone.

"Hm? Oh, I'm just thinking about an old memory." He lied. It felt wrong to lie about this, especially to his best friend.
She studied him for a moment longer before turning her head and leaving it be.


"Eddie?" Steve called out to the very quite house.
He walked up the stairs and to the spare room where Eddie would be residing for his recovery.
He knocked but there was no response. A feeling of dread pooled at the bottom of his stomach as he opened the door. Inch by inch.

He saw a messy haired Eddie sitting up against a pillow with a pair of headphones enveloped over his ears. Steve let out a breath he didn't know he was holding, and walked in.


Eddie had found some good music and a walkman, so he decided to listen to music and draw in a little notebook he found in the closet of the room he was in.

He felt the bed sink a little which made him jump. He looked up to see Steve watching him very intently.

"You need something?" Eddie snipped.
Again, he didn't know why he was being rude, he should be grateful for what Steve is doing for him. But he can't help but feel betrayed. They left him.
But it wasn't just Steve that left him.
He sighed and apologized.
"Sorry, Just...I'm hurting really bad right now." He said, which wasn't a complete lie. He was hurting, and it was why he was being snippy. He was hurting emotionally, and physically.
"It's okay. We need to change the wraps." He said after taking the headphones off of the mop on Eddie's head.

"Did you say anything to anyone today?" Eddie asked during the rewrap process.
Steve continued to concentrate on the pressure he was putting on the stitches, being sure not to hurt the man he was tending to with the wrap but he shook his head slightly.
His eyes hadn't left Eddie's torso, though he spoke, "No, I wasn't sure if you'd want me to. That, and It's kind of nice knowing I'm the one taking care of you." He said the last part with a smirk.
Eddie gave him a confused look.
"I mean, It's good knowing that I'm the one doing it. I don't like not knowing how my friends are being taken care of." He cleared his throat.

Eddie laughed, regretting it almost immediately as he felt a sharp and painful tingly sensation go through his spine.


Steve had finished up the painful process and brought Eddie some water and Tylenol. He wanted to ask Eddie how he was here, but he decided for now, he would leave it be and be happy that he is here.
"Hey Eddie, do you want to come watch a movie downstairs with me? I'll call in some pizza." Steve asked Eddie.
He nodded and tried to stand, it earned a shooting pain up his entire body.
"Fuck!" He shouted.
Steve was by his side within seconds, helping hold him up.
"It's okay. Can you put your arm around my shoulder?" He asked the ever so slightly shorter boy.
He nodded hesitantly, not actually sure if he could but he knew he wanted to try.
Slowly but surely he got his arm around the back of Steves neck and Steve held his waist, helping him down the stairs, taking note to be extremely cautious.

Steve helped Eddie onto the couch then went to call in a pizza.

Soon the pair were on the couch watching Karate Kid, sort of cuddling, with a pizza half eaten. The movie was interrupted by the pounding of the door.

"Shit." The two said simultaneously.
"I won't let them in, don't worry." Steve reassured Eddie.

Eddie didn't know why, but he trusted Steve's words. He felt himself sit back and continue eating the slice of pizza in his hand.


"Hello?!" Steve said as he swung the door open.
"We need to talk." Dustin said, trying to push past Steve.
"No! You can't come in. If it's absolutely dire, we can talk out here." He tried to convince.
Dustin seemed to get the message. Sort of. He thought there was a girl in there, but that was, in fact, not the case.

"What's up?" Steve asked closing the door behind him.

"It's about Max." He said suddenly.
"Is she...Is she better?" He asked cautiously, not sure if he really wanted to know the answer.
Dustin's eyes welled with tears as he nodded frantically.
"She's awake." He said and hugged Steves waist.

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