Chapter three: First meetings

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The following week moved fast, girls started to move in on the regular until three days after I arrived and on the Wednesday, we were all here, the entire soccer and lacrosse girls had arrived and the corridor was now full of the sounds of us all. Not all the girls would be freshman, in fact only a handful of us are, Jade, me, Clark and Ava for the soccer but about four or five others for the lacrosse, the majority of the team were sophomores or seniors, a couple fifth years too.

Clark begrudging moved out the day after our lust filled encounter, which by the way was way more than I expected, and I realised I had barely touched the surface when it came to sexual intimacy with girls, and when I took the emotion out of it, I felt uninhibited and able to act purely out of lust which kind of made it thrilling to be honest. Don't get me wrong, being intimate with someone you loved was next level because of the emotion that came with the lust, but I had no idea, that without it, I could just focus on me and myself and what I wanted out of it, I wasn't constantly thinking of the girl I loved beneath me wanting her to feel me on a deeper level. Selfish, it was selfish and self serving, an intoxicating experience to just have sex with someone who was horny and for no other reason at all, you both took and took until you had both met your quota and were satisfied. Clark was certainly experienced and I would be lying if I didn't say she didn't teach me something last night, but I won't tell her, she's got that irritating smirk and cheeky smile that makes me want to both slap her and smile with her at the same time.

When Clark moved out, Jade arrived, she was dinkier than me, quieter than me but up for just as much fun with the team. Jade had naturally jet black dark curly hair that sprung out all over naturally, thick dark eyebrows that were styled just so, big brown eyes that always looked to be thinking about something, most probably her boyfriend of four years back in France ,and she was just the kindest soul.

"Moms from California, she's half African American and half latino and my dad is French and as pale as a ghost" she had described with a little laugh as we sat that night and swapped our stories. "I lived in the US until I was ten and then we moved to France. I have three brothers, two still in France with my parents, as they are in high school, and an older brother who attends college in New York. I've come back for the soccer here" she revealed. "You" she asked.

"Well my mama is three quarters Mormon, pretty much Utah by blood, with a little European ancestry from her mamas side thrown in, my other mom is full Greek and my donor is... well I don't even know what he is...sooo" I reply.

Jade takes me in with wide eyes "So you are a mystery in a little package" she says with a smile and I am relieved she doesn't care about the whole gay moms thing.

"I only come from down the road" I reveal as we sit back on our beds and I sip from a bottle of water "Portland to be precise. I have two sisters and a little brother who are all younger than me. I'm here because I was an idiot and picked the school my girlfriend picked... literally months before she split up with me"

"Ouch" Jade returns.

"And she's on our team" I add.

"Who" she asks shuffling forward on her bed intrigued.

"Ava Montgomery ... Goalie" I add.

"Want me to hate her" she asks.

"No you can like her ... it's my issue, nobody else's, and our team needs to be at one, not fragmented because Ava hurt me once... don't tell anyone" I ask.

"I wouldn't" she returns.

Jade was playing in defence and would spend most of her time closer to Ava than to me on the pitch, she ended up becoming a friend to both of us, not that I ever spent time with Ava off of the pitch by choice, that wasn't going to happen, not yet.

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