Chapter twenty four: Ava, what does that mean?!

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By the time I make it back to my dorm from Millie's office, I am less flustered, still feeling a little erect in certain places but my pulse has most definitely calmed back down. I hadn't been able to track down Ava since our interaction at lunch, and since coach told me to stay home for todays training I didn't get to catch her there either. I would text her.

Ava, please listen to me, you have it totally wrong!! I have never had an inappropriate relationship with Moira Dawson. You are mistaken. I'm out tonight but please come by and talk to me tomorrow afternoon. x I hope training is going well x miss you guys.

Out, with her?

Not Moira Dawson, no!

Then who?

This woman I am seeing

The one you won't name


Funny that

It's not her!!!

I don't believe you. You know your moms would absolutely lose their shit if they thought a teacher had taken advantage of you... your mom would quite literally got to jail over it, I'm pretty sure.

Don't say a word! Just come talk to me tomorrow please x I will explain.

Its too late... I have to go.

What does that mean?

Fuck sake Ava, why was she so insistent on ruining anything I had here, she had been so desperate to figure out who the person I was seeing was, that she had absolutely muddied the entire thing and got it completely wrong.

I had spent months hurting over her, trying to put back together a broken heart, I still cared for her, I couldn't let that go entirely, no human can, but my god why couldn't she let me out of her sight, I wasn't her property, and yet I felt like it. No doubt Ava would tell everyone she was just being a good friend by looking out for me, but I knew it was personal between us, she couldn't bear seeing me finally move on, and I understand, god I understand it, it was like someone had taken all of the air from my lungs the moment I saw her and Connor together for the first time, death would have been more merciful.

If Ava wasn't bluffing and she had reported this... Millie would never talk to me again, if I had a hand in ruining her career or indeed her mothers.

Holy shit, her mothers!

Suddenly my stomach began to ache, worry settled there, a nervous sensation, tonight could be it, the last time I get to see Millie before this entire thing blew up. I should warn her, I know I should, but if it's nothing and Ava is winding me up, I risk losing Millie anyway, how childish would that make me look? That my high school ex had called it in, because she was jealous.

I was about to make an epic mistake, I should have told Millie and I should have got to Ava instantly, not waited and let her thoughts marinade and stir it all up into a storm of epic proportions.

They say your teenage and college years are for you to be carefree and wild, for your mistakes, and to learn lessons, but I really didn't need to have this one, because my life was about to turn on its head for more serious reasons, my entire existence thrown into question... and a question on my lips I had never even had to consider "who is Wren Nomikos" ...

I pick my phone up from my beside. I am lying on my bed with my foot propped up, resting it as I should be, the swelling has lessened. I would call my mom and see if Ava had been in contact at all, perhaps that would help my nervous stomach.

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