Chapter thirty one: I am not yours

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"You are mistaken" I say defiantly and I turn to walk away.

"Wren you are my daughter ... and she can act all heroic like the perfect mom all she wants claiming you on TV shows like a prized possession with Harper, when she knows you are not hers... but I know and I knew it when I saw that show ... that you are mine"

"I am not yours" I shout feeling the adrenaline kick in. "I have two moms... I have always had two moms... there is no dad. My siblings and I, we have a donor"

Max steps forward toward me and Cam pushes him back "I told you to stay back" Cam says through gritted teeth.

"I did not donate you... I created you with your mom...the old fashioned have Mackintosh blood running through your veins... and Teddy was nowhere in sight the moment you were created"

I snap back and lunge at him. Cam grabs me before I reach him and holds me tightly by the wrists "I am not yours" I say angrily "leave me alone" I demand and I run to the locker rooms.

The team all turn as the door slams with my entry and every set of eyes lands on me and the anger and the tears running down my cheeks.

"Wrennie" Clark asks walking over worriedly.

"Wren what is it" Ava adds as she walks over with concern etched on her brow.

I bite my lip hard to stifle the sob and I turn back without a word and walk back out to Max who is having a heated argument with Cameron. They both stop when they see me approach and I point to the meeting room door "get in there" I demand.

Clark, Jade, Alex, Ava and Fin all file out of the locker room behind me to see what's occurred.

"Wren don't give him the time of day" Cam begs. "He's making it up"

I don't even look to Cam. I can't stop looking at Max, like he is something curious, searching his features for any familiarity to me, but there is none, this man was a stranger and I looked nothing like him, nothing at all.

"Get in that room now or forever hold your peace" I threaten.

Max nods and moves past Cam who begrudgingly let's him pass by and into the room ahead of us.

"What is going on" Ava asks.

"Wren" Clark asks.

"Wren this is insane... it can't be true" Cam begs of me to listen as I follow Max into the room and grab the door to close it. Cams boot wedges the door open so I can't close it, I look down to the offending obstruction and back to his blue eyes that will me to listen "please don't feed into this narrative... there's no way I believe a stranger over your parents"

I look to Cam and the squad behind him.

"Move" I urge tapping his boot with my cleats.

"No, if you are determined to do this... then I will do it with you" he protests.

"Fine, then get in here" I say grabbing his flannel shirt and pulling him into the room, the door closing behind him and closing to the team outside.

Cam and I take a seat opposite Max at the large round table and all eyes are on the opposite side of the table, Max on us and us on Max.

"Something you said is bothering me" Cam comments leaning forward, arms folded on the table top.

I look sideways to him "what" I ask as Max awaits the question looking unbothered by Cams authoritative stance.

"Yes Cam... what is it" he asks like Cam was a fly that needed swatting.

"You said when you watched that TV show that you knew she was yours... so I'm guessing you meant Teddy on survivor and the little VT at the beginning of her life outside of the show. Her family, the kids, Wren playing soccer as Teddy watched proudly and was interviewed by production" Cam states. "And yet you said she stole her from you... so tell me Max how does one steal a child that they only remember or realise is theirs on a TV show fifteen years or so later"

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