Chapter nineteen: A little assistance

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"So, how are we handling class today..." Cam asks as we cross over the grass to the psych building. "Are we pretending we are not fucking the teaching assistant... or going full winky eye when she looks your way"

"I am going to do my best to pretend that the beautiful creature in front of me, doesn't exist. It's going to be painful though, when all I want to do is look at her. Literally she is in front of me an entire hour and I can't even look at her" I say deflating at the thought. "Torture"

Cam hands me a pair of shades and I look down to his outstretched hand confused "it's raining" I remind him from under the hood of my Mac. "And not sunny in the slightest"

"If you put these on in class you can stare at your beloved for an entire hour and nobody will even know it"

I push the shades back into his hand "and look like a fucking idiot in the process... not to mention draw Moiras attention... nooo thanks"

"Fine... stare at your sneakers" he says as we climb the steps among a throng of other students heading the same way.

"Hey" a girl says catching me gently by the arm "I just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of the ducks... and an even bigger fan of you" she says sweetly.

Cam nudges me and I nudge him back discreetly.

"Thanks... will you be coming to the game tonight ?"

She runs her hand through her short spiked hair "I come to all of the home games... I love you guys... you have made some great runs, some incredible goals and Beaton... oof... has had some killer tackles"

"So you like Clark" I ask.

The girl groans "do I... I am in love with her" she confesses.

I smile "what's your name I will tell her she has a number one fan"


"Alice consider it done... I hope we see you tonight... and if we have time I will send Clark your way"

She almost levitates with excitement "thank you Wren" she says and she runs off excitedly to a friend who seemed to be waiting for her.

"She was sweet" I observe.

"Someone doesn't think so" Cam says nudging me again, and I look up to find Ava, arms folded at the top of the steps.

"Hey" I acknowledge as we reach her "what are you doing in Psych"

"I wanted to catch you before you went in... will you come to the field with me early. I want to work on some of my techniques and you are the best striker on the team... please" she begs.

"Sure... you know you could have text me that" I remind her.

"I know. I happened to be over this way... so I will swing by after your class and we can head down there together?" She asks.

"Sure" I return and she smiles and looks to Cam "good to see you Cameron" she says.

"You too Ave" Cam says as we watch her go.

We enter the doors to the lecture hall and once again find ourselves late, thanks to Ava.

"From next week... late entrants won't be accepted into my class" Moira calls across the large hall. It was aimed at us, and I could have died of embarrassment as we did the walk of shame down to the front row to take the same shitty seats we had last week, right under the podium. I hadn't looked at Millie who was sat opposite, but I could feel her eyes on me.


When psych finishes I have a cramp in my neck from looking down all lesson, avoiding Millie. I slowly massage it with my hand as I turn my neck left and right, trying to relieve it.

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