Chapter four: Tattoos and talks

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"How many tattoos have you got" Clark asked as she walked with me to the tattoo studio I had booked in the city

It was Saturday morning, the night after our little party, and although I drank far too much, I didn't do anything too crazy. Clark ended up kissing some random lacrosse player, Jade got so sick on only two vodkas and had to be taken home by Rory and then Alex and I had danced all night long ,with Marissa, who was on the lacrosse team, but filtered nicely into the soccer crowd too. I was pretty proud of myself because despite being hit on by a rather fetching masc girl from the lacrosse team I had declined her advances in favour of just dancing the night away with my new friends.

"I've got six" I admit and Clark looked impressed.

"I've only seen the ones on your arms ... where are the other two" she asked with an amused expression "are they intimate" she asks.

I tuck my hair behind my ear as the breeze picks up and sends it flying forward again "Of all the people here you would be the only one who would have seen them... put it that way" I say with a wink.

"Ooh it's intimate... but it was dark and I don't remember seeing it... where is it?"

"I have a little heart" I admit.

"Oh that cute little you mention it I vaguely remember running my tongue over a heart on my way down to..." Clark teases.

I abruptly cut her off "okay we don't need to reminisce....and the second one you've either forgotten or couldn't see in the dark is a delicate font under my breast and over my heart"

"That says...." Clark prompts.

I stop in front of the tattoo studio and lift up my t shirt and Clark leans down and looks under it before popping back up as I push my t shirt back down "wow... I love that" She says with a soft smile.

"Has anyone taken you up on the challenge" she asks.

I take a deep breath and my thoughts go straight to Ava. "Yes ... and I wish they hadn't"

"Say no more, we won't discuss love"

"I left my heart at home so we are good" I reveal.

Clark holds her hand up "high five to that" she says as I slap my hand against hers and reach for the handle to the door.

After three hours I have two new tattoos, an ankle piece that runs around my leg a little, an olive branch, and a small and delicate sternum piece that I've always wanted, a dream catcher with four feathers that symbolises my siblings and I, and the dream catcher symbolising my parents, and the way they continuously shelter us from the bad and offer and show us the good. The reason I wanted the family tattoo there was because my family was at my core, and that felt most fitting, centred there on my skin.

I look to Clark who has been sat beside me, chin resting on her knee, leg bent up, her eyes watching the artist work, she clearly had an eye for it herself, tattooing, no surprise really with parents who were both artistic.

"You've seen my boobs more this week than any girl has in five months" I reveal jovially.

She looks from the needle leaving my skin for the last time and back to my gaze, with an amused grin "and they are perfectly splendid" she muses and the tattoo artist looks to us both curiously.

"You a couple" he asks.

We both shake our heads defensively "No" we both say.

"Friends" I add "only friends"

"She's far too short for me" Clark adds.

I throw my purse at her and she grabs it before it hits her and laughs.

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