Chapter twenty five: A date

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I adjust the thin spaghetti straps on my delicately soft top, my entire outfit is probably best described as evening wear for a night out, but I had no intention of leaving the apartment tonight. I had paired tight dark pants, with the revealing top, it's neckline plunging down between my breast in a v shape, revealing orbed flesh that spoke for themselves, yes this outfit did a lot of talking... and I hoped it would talk Wren all the way into it, so she could assist me out of it entirely.

"You whooo" Kate calls cheerily as she knocks the bathroom door.

I see her reflection in the mirror as she looks me over with a questioning gaze "this doesn't look like a 'let's go separate ways' outfit to me Mills"

I lean forward and apply my lipstick slowly as she watches "because it's not" i reveal honestly.

"Millie" Kate groans "for the love of god" she says exasperated as she sits on the side of the bath tub.

I turn to her coyly but end up smiling at her outfit "you look sensational" I remark. "Wow Kate... Peter is a lucky guy"

"You think" she says forgetting her train of thought and her assassination that was coming of my morals.

"I do" I confirm and I reach over and tousle the ends of her blonde bob "absolutely beautiful Kit Kat"

A long and angry whine comes through the bathroom door as Norman pushes it open with his bustling furry butt and angry little face.

Both Kate and I look down at him as he announces his hatred for our obvious imminent night out, he loved company and hated being left late when usually we would be home, doing our job as his human pillows.

I glare down at his beady green eyes "Well you are quite wrong Norm... I am staying home tonight... but if you think for one second you are joining Wren and I on our date, you are quite mistaken, you little Antichrist"

Kate widens her eyes and looks to me disapprovingly. "You know how many fines you are going to get for never taking that book back" she asks me.

I nervously tap my fingers against the bathroom vanity "Kate I know it's risky... and I know I shouldn't continue this relationship... but you don't understand how much I like her. Nobody will find out... we can continue this and if it gets serious I will stop teaching her" I reveal.

Kate let's out a frustrated laugh "Millie that is the university you are talking about...if you stop teaching her you will lose your spot on the faculty... and your plan to get on track for tenure"

I shake me head "that was never my plan Kate... it was my mothers. There are other universities I can teach at anyhow, I can still do that elsewhere... and keep her"

Kate shakes her head "I don't have a good feeling about this Millie... you're going to get hurt... I feel it"

I know it's a possibility, that Wren won't feel what I'm feeling, that she won't want to make this more formal at all, that this was a fun fling... but I still had to tell her. I wanted to date her officially, and I knew I would have to keep it under raps for a while, but if she wanted to and it got more serious, I would happily check out of her class and stop teaching her... so that I could fall in love with her instead.

In two months of being here, and starting my career teaching, I was already prepared to give part of it away, my entire thought process did a one eighty and I honestly didn't care. The more my mother pushed, the further away I got, from her, from the path I was on and from this career. I had to wonder if I hadn't been waiting for this moment my entire adult life, for something or someone to come along and force me to wake up, to have a hand take mine and lead me out of it all, to somewhere, anywhere, else.

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