Chapter sixteen: Your favourite greek dish

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*Extended chapter length and explicit sexual content* enjoy 😉 or take leave when it gets a little flirty and save your soul 🫣😘

I had spent Sunday working on my next few weeks lesson plans, psych 101 was so important, the introduction of psychology to students at college level, and it was the one thing I had to make sure I got right, above all else, because it was sometimes the only point of contact students had or will have with psychology.

I knew very well that psychology could feel overwhelming to take in, it is a broad subject, especially the first term where I have to cover so much, showcasing that psychology can answer so many questions about human behaviour, but it overwhelms as it covers such a wide range of topics that don't seem connected to one another. The only thing to do, I had learnt, was to make it more visual, create engaging teaching methods that drew the class in and allowed them to create their own connections with it to their own lives. I would soon get the students to begin their own research studies so that they got a first hand understanding of the scientific process. I had found a fun topic was that of "the mind constructs reality" in which students will learn concepts from perception, memory, social cognition and clinic psychology, for example believing you have seen or heard something that actually, you haven't. It fascinated me, which is perhaps why I enjoyed that particular session, all psychology interested me of course or I wouldn't have pursued it, but then I would most probably have not pursued it without my mothers hand firmly on my shoulder either.

The apartment is quiet, Kate is out with her family for an evening at the theatre, and Norman is actually asleep, giving his claws and evil mind a rest.

I take off my reading glasses and set them down at my desk in my bedroom, my hand massaging my temple, releasing the hours of work tension, the light of my laptop now filling a dark room. I hadn't even noted how long I had been at it or how late it now was.

I walk into the kitchen and fill Normans bowl with Kibble so he doesn't hunt me down later for leaving him hungry. "Norman... " I call.

He appears from Kates bedroom, tail erect at the sound of his name "your dinner is served my liege"

There is a relieved look on his face. I had finally been responsible and remembered to feed him for once.

I bow like the servant I am, to his royal fluffy butt, and take leave to the bathroom, where I planned to run the deepest bubble bath anyone has ever seen.


I strip my clothes away and step into the freshly filled bath tub, the bubbles are so high, I wasn't sure if I would even be able to see out once I had sunk down into them.

My eyes close instantly as the warmth and the scent of lush's comfort bath bubbles envelop me, this was perhaps the most satisfied I had felt all weekend. I sigh with a smile that was so tight it hurt my cheeks.

It only took two minutes before the thought of Wren entered my mind, the sight of her on the field, my thoughts wondering to her firm thighs and her sweaty skin... and my fingers trail down my stomach under the water, finding their way down between my legs. I bite my lip, thoughts of Wren finally touching me, it made my entire body begin to awaken.

"Meoooow" came the shrill cries of Norman.

I have never jumped so much in my entire life, my hand whips out from between my legs and half of the bath water floods over the side of the tub as I sit up naked and open mouthed.

Norman glares at me and then looks around at the bubbles that now surround him on the floor, as if to say "what a messy wench" like it was my fault.

"Norman get lost" I groan, reaching for a towel and throwing it at him.

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