Chapter forty: The letter

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As the clock hit midnight we arrived back in Eugene, and Halloween was here, Olympia was sixteen.

My parents had a million questions about Millie and I on the two hour drive, but they were now all answered.

"So, she's twenty three... she was teaching at the community college but assisting her mothers class, which you took, you met her in a bar and you knew her but she didn't know you" my mama summarises.

"Right" I answer from the front and I peak around the seat to my mama in the back

Mama let's out a long breath "Wren Nomikos" she curses "I have to tell you ... you did not inherit any of that confidence from me... or that eyebrow wiggle" and she sits forward and grabs my moms shoulder whose driving "you have a lot to answer for here Theodora"

Mom laughs "Harper ... it is not my fault one of our children has game... she's at university, of course she's playing the field... in every sense"

"I'm not playing the field anymore" i interject "I only want Millie"

Mama smiles "I can see it in your eyes when you talk about her. This entire car ride you light up when you speak of her, and if you can radiate that, when you are going through this hellish type of internal battle... then I know it's real Wren. That girl is in your heart"

"She is" I confess "mama I love her... but I have to tell her that... I hate that she doesn't know that yet"

I turn back and look out of the window as we come up Millie's street. "It feels a little late now we are here... do you think she's in bed" I ask out loud.

"Wren it's never a bad time to turn up and confess you love someone. Go knock and see" mom says nudging me out of the door.

I turn back to moms SUV idly running at the curb, she cuts the engine and mama jumps into the front seat, they both cross their fingers and urge me on.

I turn back to Millie's apartment door and the intercom, my fingers hover over the button to her apartment, but I am anxious to press it, after a week would she even want to hear from me, had I left it too long?!

The sound of music carries from the window above, some romantic ballad, it didn't sound very Millie but it did sound like something Kate may listen too.

I give into the small amount of bravery I have left and press the button firmly, the sound of a buzz rings out and every second feels torturous before it's picked up "Hello" comes Kates voice.

"Kate... it's Wren" I say apprehensively, unsure of her reaction.

"Oh thank Christ... get in here" she says and she buzzes me up.

I look back to my moms who throw me a thumbs up and I smile and go inside.

When I reach the top of the staircase Kate is there waiting with a large smile on her face "I've been waiting for you" she says in her sunshine voice. "I knew you would come" and she grabs me in a big hug and ushers me into the apartment.

I look down for Norman but he doesn't arrive at my ankles, and I frown and look around for him, but he isn't visible.

On the couch is a large guy, most definitely over six foot, in shorts and a long sleeve t shirt, his large legs sprawled out across the small room, noticeably with no scratches or bite marks to his ankles, he made the apartment instantly feel like a weenie little dolls house and Kate looked tiny beside him.

She wrapped a pink silk gown around her waist and sat down beside him and I realised I was interrupting a moment here.

"Is Millie in her room" I ask gesturing towards the hall "I can leave you both to whatever this is" I say pointing between them awkwardly.

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