Chapter forty one: I dare

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It's been four days on the road. I had taken it slow, making my way through Oregon, Utah and now Colorado. Denver was somewhere I had visited before, passing through once upon a time, and I always said I would return and discover it a little better. I got here yesterday, the city is surrounded by trees of every colour and mountain peaks surround it, snow capped in part.

I won't go into too much detail of my travels so far with Norman, I doubted even a therapist would ever be able to dig that deep into my traumatic repressed memory.

Norman started as the companion of dreams, sleeping his way across Oregon and half of Utah before he woke up to the realisation I was stuck with him and at his beckon call, and his whining for food took new heights, it was constant, and I fed him to shut him up which was a mistake since now he expects it all day, every day. When I tell you, that large amounts of cat kibble slid around on the dash as we turned corners, straight into that antichrists mouth, it got bad. When we got to the Colorado border I went into the nearest pet store and bought one of those electronic feeders that he has to figure out how to work, to empty kibble into his bowl for himself. I thought it would be a boredom buster for him but instead he poked and prodded it angrily and threw himself down like a fluffy lump, lying on his back and howling at the unfairness of this object which held his food to ransom.

The howling eventually got too much to bear and it was either Norman or the feeder that were getting chucked out of the window. I opted to pull up outside of a fast food restaurant and dump the feeding device in their dumpster, before ordering Norman and I two deluxe burgers with all of the trimmings in the drive thru.

Norman ate the cheese off of his burger and chewed around it's edges as I sat beside him and gazed out of the window and debated on how I could get rid of him without Kate killing me... I wouldn't have, but the urge was there.

It was that night that Normans belly began to churn, the sounds coming from that cats belly, sounds you don't ever wish to hear under the cover of darkness, nor is the sound of water pouring, not when the source is your cats butt.

"Holy shit" I had screamed when the light came on and the RV was covered.

The campsite we had been staying on, had probably never smelt anything like it, I know I hadn't. That night Norman had his first bath in nature, almost drowning in the lake, and the RV, I paid a valet company, an extortionate amount of money, to make it so that Normans lactose intolerant asshole didn't exist inside of it anymore.

When we left the location the next evening both Norman and I had our ears pinned back, eyes wide, and if I had a tail, it would have been flicking with irritation, just like his. It was like we had just returned after a night out that nobody would ever speak of again, but at-least the RV had been saved.

How did I forget the lactose intolerance?!

Honestly without Kate I was flailing around at cat parenthood, I was useless. Finally though Norman and I, we were back in a rhythm, I would take him out on his lead and walk him around with me, he even jumped up into the cat carrier when asked, which I carried around like a backpack with a cat window. Listen, it was embarrassing, don't laugh.

We had a good thing going now though, Norman and I, we had been through hell together, and you could see it, we kind of depended on each other. He needed me for food and I needed him for company

Norman became my therapist, as I told him in detail how my mothers confession had been like a shattering of an illusion, the illusion being my life, and I needed to reset and start again, with the truth. I don't think Norman gave two shits if I was honest with you, but he did listen, as I droned on.

It's the Saturday, late morning, and I am freshly showered. Kate had asked me to wait for her call before we set off on the road again. I was making a coffee and throwing in a pop tart as Norman ran to the door.

I frown and watch him rub against it purring "what are you doing you idiot" I ask.

The knock at the door makes me jump "who is it" I call out.

"Your favourite Greek dish...a little delayed" comes a voice that makes my heart begin to beat double time, the smile on my lips is one of pure elation and surprise.

She showed up!

I rush to the door and fumble with the lock until it pulls open, and there she is, the red head that stole my kiss and then my heart in quick succession, doing the impossible and making me...fall in love.

She looks so beautiful, it's as if time ceases to exist, as we both look at each other with so much affection and excitement to see one another again, it was like an electronic pulse ran right between us.

"I dare to claim it" she whispers with a smile, reaching for my hand.

I bite my lip "so do I" I confess taking her hand and tugging her toward me.

She bumps against my chest and her eyes look up to meet mine, searching my features lovingly "can I kiss you" she asks.

I dip my lips to hers and smile "have you ever asked me before" I whisper against them.

"No" she replies amused.

"Then why start now" I ask curiously.

She leans back and looks into my eyes more seriously "Because when I kiss you this time... I may never stop... and I need you to consent for a forever type of kiss" she says with the cutest face of apprehension I had ever seen.

"I double dare you to kiss me and make it forever" I taunt.

She growls at me "ufff ... done" she says taking my cheeks and bringing me to her lips for a kiss that made my entire body tingle, butterflies taking flight through my belly at the sensation of our mouths colliding and the gentle brush of her tongue against mine.

That moment with Wren on the steps of the RV, it would go down as one of those moments that you never forget, a place in time I frequented to remember the sweet taste of her lips, the euphoria that flooded my entire being and the love that pumped through my blood and took hold of me.

Of course there was the laugh, the small laugh that grew when I remembered how Norman had escaped, and we hadn't noticed, how for an entire day and night he was out on his own in the wilderness as Wren and I shut the door on the world, and the bed fit for a romping got its wish.

We spent an entire day and night spent in each others arms, making love, and enjoying each other, both overwhelmed to be reunited. We never wanted it to be over, this moment, but of course as dawn broke, the honest conversations began, and the truth of what had just transpired with both of our parents, came to light.

Wren and I had so much more in common than we ever even knew, and in that moment together, as it was confessed, every intense bit of it, we held each other through it... and our bond was forged then, forged for an eternity.

Our journey truly began that day...

Wren & Millie.

To be continued....

*Thank you for coming on this journey guys! 🙏🏻✨ and being patient... 😇😉

There is a lot more to come for everyone, Millie, Wren, and the entire family.

Millie will be the continuation of Wren (Delivered completed when I have finished it) I don't have an idea of when yet but I will be back with more information when I do. 💕 thanks for sticking with me... and this family too 🙏🏻

Lots of love,

S 😘

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