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So, I asked her. Just casually, you know?”, Lewis says and grins, “And she screams, I mean it, she screams back at me about how she had boyfriend. I swear, the whole club stared at us and probably thought I harassed her or something. Since then, I’ve been low-key scared of asking anyone for their number again.”

We laugh and I shove another forkful of the pasta I ordered into my mouth.

“How about you, Louis?”, Liam asks, “How’s it going? Got a girlfriend?”

Everyone starts laughing while Liam just stares at us with a confused smile on his lips. “Did I miss something?”

“Mate”, Niall says and laughs, “He’s fucking gay.”

Liam blushes and grins. “Oops. Guess I was the only one that didn’t know?”

“Yeah”, I say, “Surprised you didn’t find out by just looking at me. Didn’t the bracelet reveal it?”, I ask, raising my hand around I tied the rainbow bracelet from the last pride parade.

“I don’t know, never even noticed it”, Liam says and smiles, “So, boyfriend then?”

Everyone laughs again but this time Liam isn’t the only one looking confused. “Excuse me”, I say and scoff, “What’s so funny about that?”

“The thought of it”, Gigi says, “Who explained us why he wasn’t the relationship type in a ten-minute-long monologue about two weeks ago?”

I roll my eyes. “Maybe I changed my mind.”

“Did you?”, Zayn asks, laying down his spoon in the empty bowl, looking at me interestedly.

“Nah”, I say and grin, “But I could’ve.”

Amelia rolls her eyes. “Don’t get us excited like that. Thought Louis Tomlinson, the anti-relationship guy really had found someone.”

“I am not anti relationship. Just didn’t find anyone and don’t see the point in trying if I can wait for another few years.”

“So you wanna get into a relationship with like twenty-five without ever having tried one, completely unexperienced?”

I groan. “It’s not like I don’t have any experience.”

Niall tilts his head and raises his eyebrows. “I’m not talking about sex, Louis, I do know you took home enough guys to have experience with that, I’m talking about a relationship. Attachment, trust, love. Things like that, ever heard of?”

“Ouch”, I say, “No need to expose me like that. Besides that, I was in a relationship like two years ago. Remember Colin?”

Niall just laughs. “Louis, you can’t be serious. You were nineteen and on holiday with your parents and kissed a boy two times while being drunk.”

“I give up”, I say, “I’m twenty-one, I still got time. Besides that, why is everyone looking at me now? What about you, Taylor, you’re unusually quiet.”

“What about me?” She pats her eyelashes, “Have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, don’t act all innocent. There is someone, right? Girl, boy?”

She rolls her eyes. “You really won’t ever let go of the fact that I kissed that girl once while I was drunk, will you? I’m in fact straight, Zayn, in contrast to you.”

Zayn scoffs and rolls his eyes but lets it go, waiting for her to continue talking.

“Guys”, she whines, “Stop looking at me like that, will you? I don’t need to expose my whole dating history here.”

“You do”, Gigi, me and Lewis say at the same time and grin.

“Okay”, she says defeated, “I’ve been seeing this boy for a month or so now, don’t now where it’s leading though.”

“Ohhh”, Amelia says and leans forward excitedly, “Name, age, appearance, description right now.”

Taylor laughs. “Joe.”

“Wait”, Zayn interrupts her, “Joe, that guy hat sits in front of me in art class?”

“Yeah, that Joe.”

It goes on like that for some time, us talking about everything but nothing at the same time, laughing and chatting and it feels good to sit here with most of my favourite persons.

At the end of the day I fall into bed with a content smile on my lips, drifting of to sleep immediately.


Saturday passes slowly, I stay in bed most of the morning, re-watching my favourite series for the thousandth time and chatting with Niall, reading over an essay he had to write for Uni. In the evening I head to work, serving people their delicious foods and being jealous of it most of the time.

On Sunday I want to make breakfast by myself for once but end up giving up when looking into my fridge. Besides a nearly empty bottle of ketchup, a bit of old bread and one slice of cheese, it’s empty.

I sigh and realize I’ll have to leave my flat if I don’t want to spend all my money on takeaway, I will have to go grocery shopping.

I get dressed and grab my wallet and keys before stepping outside. The weather is decent today so I at least don’t shiver as soon as I open the door.

Hearing my tummy murmuring, I realize I really should get breakfast first so I walk into the direction of my regular bakery.

I hum some song that’s stuck in my head quietly as I watch the people passing me until I arrive at the building, entering with a smile.

“Hi, Casey”, I say.

“Louis”, she says, sounding a little surprised, “You, here? It’s Sunday, you do realize that, don’t you?”

I laugh and nod. “I know. My fridge was disappointingly empty this morning. Get me the usual stuff please? Oh, and quarter a loaf of that bread over there.”

I point at the bread and she nods. “How’s uni going?”

“Good”, I say, “Exhausting and all but I’m managing. How’s Timothy and the children?”

She grabs a croissant and puts it into a bag before filling a cup with hot water. “They’re all good. James’ turning five next weekend, can you believe it?”

“Ugh”, I say, “You really have it all figured out, raising two children and all. Considering you’re only five years older, maybe I should start getting my shit together.”

She laughs and puts my things all into one bag, shaking her head. “No worries, love, you’ll have it all figured out by then. Or at least, you’ll have learned to pretend you have, that’s what I’m doing.”

I laugh. “Thank you for the advice. What would I do without you?”

“You’d be doing just as well, I’m sure. Enjoy the breakfast”, she says and waves.

“Thanks, Casey, see you.”

I close the door behind me with a smile and glance to my right, seeing if he’s there. He’s not. I shrug and let the coins sink into my pockets.

I’ll put them into those little donation boxes at the checkout in the supermarket. It doesn’t feel as satisfying though, not knowing what person will receive it. Knowing it won’t be him.


thank you for reading <3

how do you like it so far? leave your honest feedback if you like!

also added some trigger warnings to the first chapter, just in case you think there could be a topic you don't want to read about:))

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