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"Did any questions occur during the last hour?", the professor asks and smiles a friendly smile into the crowd.

Maya raises her hand and asks a question I can't really hear because I'm too focused on drawing a smiley face into the corner of my notebook. It reminds me a little bit of the one on Harry's sweater.

The professor starts explaining and it takes ages and I want to slam my elbow into Maya's ribs for even asking that question.

When my smiley face is barely recognizable anymore because I scribbled over the lines way too often, the woman's monologue finally stops and I let out a relieved sigh.

Maya sends me an apologetic smile and I just roll my eyes at her, reaching for my bag and pen.

"Sorry for keeping you away from your boy", she says and rolls her eyes as well, "You can go now."

I nod. "Finally. And he is most certainly not my boy."

He sadly isn't.

"Right", she says with a nod that is probably meant sarcastic and leaves the room with a smile on her lips.

Once I stuffed all my things into my bag, I leave as well. It's only one o'clock by now so I'm considering asking Zayn or Niall whose classes ended early today as well to hang out but decide to rather head home to Harry.

After yesterday, I'm not sure how things are between us. I felt ever so, so close to him and I am pretty sure I'm a little in love with him by now. Fuck.

When leaving Campus, I turn left and start walking home when I hear someone say "Lou?", right next to me.

I jump a little out of shock and then I hear Harry laughing, my favourite sound in the whole world and he grins happily. "Hi there."

"Fuck off", I mumble, "You scared me."

He laughs again and I push him a little bit, putting my hands on his chest and pushing so he stumbles back a bit.

To my surprise, he doesn't push back when he stops stumbling but grabs my upper arms and pulls me in so my chin is on his shoulder and I can feel his heart beating against my chest fast. Beating, steadily but quick, calm but excited and it makes me want to scream because that's how I feel.

"Hi", I mumble now, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Quite missed hugging you since yesterday."

I smile, ever so broadly. God, is it normal to smile so much? People must think I'm a maniac. Maybe they can see I'm in love?

"Me too."

I don't know why I can't seem to speak up in his presence because the words come out as a breath, a whisper, but he still hears them and even though I can't see his face, I'm pretty sure he's smiling.

"What are you doing here though?", I ask, pulling away even though it feels like a big loss, "Scaring me like that?"

He giggles and shrugs. "Work was over early today. Thought we could do something fun. I felt like doing something fun today."

Everything's fun with you.

"Cinema, maybe?", I ask, pointing to the grey sky, "Feel like it'll rain soon anyways."

I think I'm in love with you.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", he asks, laughing.

"You're not too bad to look at."

Oh god, did I really just say that? Fuck, it slipped out. I slap my hand to my mouth what makes the whole situation even more embarrassing and Harry bursts out laughing, blushing hard at the same time.

It makes him look even prettier.

"Could say the same thing about you."

I shake my head quickly, not wanting him to embarrass me even more but smile at the compliment a little.

"So", I interrupt the awkward silence, "Cinema then?"

He laughs again and nods before we start walking, comfortable silence filling the air, his hand right next to mine. It's so tempting not to take it, not to wrap my fingers around his, not to brush over his soft skin with my thumb.
I thought about this too much, imagined it way too often.

When we arrive at the cinema, Harry points to the poster of some movie that I've never seen before.

"This one is supposed to be good."

We agree on watching it before walking over to the counter and ordering the tickets, popcorn and two lemonades.

Walking up the stairs together, our hands brush again and it's just so, so hard not to just take it.

How I wish I was brave enough to tell him my feelings. Maybe he'd like me back.

"Last row", Harry whispers when we walk into the hall, trailers of other movies already playing.

We sit down on the most perfect spots in the cinema and Harry has a content smile on his face when we start watching the trailer of some loud action movie.

The movie is good. It's a funny comedy about two guys travelling around Europe and I really enjoy it. Sometimes I catch myself staring at Harry for some time. His lashes look even longer from here and with the light of the big screen, his eyes shine ever so brightly.

And his lips. His lips. Why are they curved ever so perfectly in a way that makes me want to have his lips pressed against my forehead softly when he gives me a goodnight kiss or have them pecking my mouth just once, have them whisper compliments in my ear?

I think I can't go much longer without telling him. What if I end up accidentally kissing him?

I really do like the movie even though I precisely have to try not to take popcorn at the same time as him.

One time we do and we bump our hands into each other so hard it hurts and can't stop giggling until some old woman turns around and shushes us.

Afterwards we laugh even more, just a little more quiet.


more fluff cause it's better than sad chapters<3

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