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“Tell me where we’re going, please”, I say, moving around in the car seat impatiently.

Harry borrowed Liam’s car just for today and I really want to know where he’s taking me but he hasn’t said a word in five minutes and thirty-two seconds now, is just grinning like an idiot because apparently this is funny.

“Harry Edward Styles”, I say, trying to sound serious. Since he told me his second name during a movie night two days ago, I really can’t stop saying it. It sounds like he’s royalty.

He laughs and rolls his eyes at once and I want to kiss him.

We kiss all the time though. We kiss or we cuddle or hug and we talk, about everything and nothing, the most personal things and the most stupid stuff.

We’re one week into our break and all I did so far was hang out with Harry and see my friends two times as well as going to work once.

Harry has one more week break before he’ll start working again and we decided we’d finally go on the date he asked me for a few days ago already.

All he told me is to dress comfortable and I am close to yelling at him to tell me the destination when he finally pulls into a small path.

“If you’re trying to get me killed or join a cult today, forget it.”

He laughs and shakes his head before we arrive at some kind of gate where Harry presses either a ticket or money into a security guard's hand.

“Is this a drug deal?”

Harry laughs again and keeps driving without saying a word until we finally arrive at the big field, lots of cars on it, a big screen in front of them.
Another guard shows us the way to our spot and I move around in my seat excitedly.

“This is so cool”, I say, smiling, “I’ve never been to a car cinema.”

Harry parks the car on a free spot in the third row and smiles at me. “Like it? Not disappointed I didn’t buy you weed?”

I laugh and shake my head.

“Come on”, Harry says and opens his door, “Lets’ get the seats ready and buy some snacks at the kiosk.”

“Liam explained how you do this”, he mutters once we’re outside, trying to lean back the seats.

I laugh and he pokes his tongue out once, trying a few more seconds before he manages.
“Here you go."

I walk up to him, wrap my hands around his neck, tiptoe and kiss him, softly and slowly.
“You do know how perfect you are, right?”

“You did tell me a few times now”, he mutters against my lips and smiles before lifting me up, just like that, as if I weighed nothing and carefully sitting me down inside of the car again.

“You get comfortable and lay out the pillows and blankets, I’m getting us snacks.”

When I’m done laying out a few pillows and covering myself with the fluffiest blanket he brought, I can’t  stop smiling while waiting for him. I can’t believe I got this lucky, can’t believe I have Harry with me, Harry who’s mine.

Except, he isn’t yet. I never was the relationship type so now that I have the desire to be in one for the first time, I have no idea how to do that.

“Hello there”, Harry says, smiling at me, poking his head in through he door before sitting down on the driver seat.

He hands me ice cream and puts down crisps and lemonade between us.

“Brought a bag of crisps this time. Since popcorn is overrated.”

I smile, ever so happily because he remembers and open the ice cream.

Harry also places some sort of speaker on the dashboard through which we’ll be hearing the sound.

Once I finished my ice cream and the first ten minutes of the movie are over, I start noticing how very far away I am from Harry with the console between us.

“Haz”, I whine, “I’m cold.”

“You just ate ice cream, babe.”

I roll my eyes, having to come up with a new strategy. “My seat is uncomfortable.”

“Should I adjust it again? You can use that little wheel to lean it for or backward.”

“But I’m also really lonely over here.”

Harry looks over at me with an amused but annoyed look on his face and laughs. “If this is an attempt to somehow fit into this seat with me, forget it."

I whine. “Come on, darling.”

“Do not look at me like that”, he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I keep trying to make puppy eyes, patting my lashes and pouting but he just laughs at me so I push him a bit.

“Fuck off”, he mutters and then he’s wrapping one arm around my chest, one around my legs, lifting me up and sitting me down in his lap again as if I was a baby.

“Yay”, I mumble happily and cuddle into his soft shirt, curling into a little ball so that his arms can wrap around me easily after having us both covered in the blanket.

“You’re the most annoying, you know that?”

He kisses the top of my head before lifting my head by my chin so he can kiss me on the lips. He tastes like ice cream and his lips are puffy and cold from it.

“Now”, he says, pulling away, “I would very much appreciate if you’d shut up for the next hour at least. Thank you my love.”

I laugh and nod, moving a bit closer, feeling his hands around my waist and my head against his chest and I do shut up because we don’t need any words to feel like this.

I am quite for about half an hour before I look at him and I get the sudden desire to tell him how absolutely beautiful he is. I can see him blushing, even in the dark.

The movie is some comedy about friends with benefits where-of course-one falls in love with the other and it all escalates because the other one finds a boyfriend in the meantime.

“It’s not going to be like this for us, right?”, Harry asks.

“Baby, we certainly are not friends with benefits.”

“Yes, but”, he says, “I just, you think we’re exclusive? You’re not going to end up snogging some guy at the club because we’re nothing official, right?”

I kiss his jaw twice. “Darling, no. I’d never do that. I don’t know about you but I want this to lead somewhere.”

“Somewhere in boyfriends?”

I nod. “If you’d want that some time.”

“Yes. Okay, good.”

I’m so in love with you, Harry.

He lays his lips on mine without moving them for a bit, just staying there, staying close and I’m pretty sure it’s a promise.



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