I'm in love with you

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What chaeyoung is met with is a shaking Jisoo, pacing back and forth.

"what's going on Jisoo?"

The older girl jumps in surprise

"oh my god you scared me, i didn't realize you were here."

"girl breathe, what's wrong?"

"nothings wrong don't worry, i just, you heard Jaebeom and i broke up right?"

Chaeyoung is startled, was Jisoo just going to toy with her again?

"listen, i don't think i'm the right person to talk to about that"

"What no, no no that's not what i'm trying to do here i just can't find the words"

"spit it out please, you're making me anxious"

"i broke up with him"

"i know?"

"because, because im in love with someone else"

"okay i really can't listen to this Jisoo, what are you playing at?"

"oh my god im saying this all wrong aren't i?"

As Jisoo starts hyperventilating Chaeyong steps forward, placing her hands on the girls shoulders and looking in her eyes.

"hey hey breathe, it's okay, i got you you're okay, breathe"

And as the girls breath evens out, she lets out a barely audible whisper


Chaeyoung is startled by the nickname, she hasn't heard it in so long, she tries to hide the fact that it tugs on her heartstrings

but she can't hide it with Jisoo, she just can't

So, she responds


The older girl closes her eyes and breathes, the nickname making its way toward her heart also

"i'm sorry"


"i'm sorry chae, for what i did to you, to us, im so sorry"

"what are you saying Jisoo" Chaeyoung says in a hopeful yet scared tone

"i'm saying i loved you, and i'm saying that i'm sorry for hurting you. i'm saying.." Jisoo takes a moment to breathe, the tears starting to fall from her eyes as well as from Chaeyoungs,

"i'm saying i was an idiot because you made me happy and i destroyed the love you had for me because i was foolish and scared and selfish"

"chu, why are you saying all this"

"i loved you"


They're both crying
Why is life so cruel?

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