he's a bandit!

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Juan x royal reader

(Your pov)

Finally! After all of our... Or my work considering that my brother is too busy admiring himself than working.

But as I was saying me and my brother Matthew have arrived in the USA to have a little getaway

We eventually settled in on a town called "spitbucket" and did a little site seeing, and that's where we meet a group of three men leaning against the store's wall... Well one of them looked a little nervous and not leaning

"I haven't seen you two's around here before. You new?" The guy with a green shirt and a brown vest ask

"And why exactly would you want to know?" I said crossing my arms but of course, my brother had to be a narcissist

"Yes, we are! I am prince Matthew, I am from the royal family in England, and this is my sibling who's also in the royal family!" I glare at him with rage and smacked him in the back of his head


"Royalty you say?"

(No ones pov)

After that... awkward conversation with that weird ass guy Edward decides that the ol' salon would be a good place to start

He ordered a beer and not a bear and gladly introduced himself to the saloon tender

"The name is gold, Detective Edward Gold, I'm here looking for the two members of the British Royal Family" he placed two pictures on the table with a picture of Matthew doing some model poss while in your picture you were sitting on a throne looking elegant  "they've gone missing, you see."

"Were they nailed to the floor?" A man asks with his hat covering his face

"Umm... No?"

"Then they were taken by bandits."

"How did you know?"

"Anything that isn't nailed down gets taken by bandits around here."

"Oh! Have you told the sheriff?"

"I am the sheriff"

"Ah, sheriff Thomson! I was told that you'd be willing to help me"

"Sorry kid but you ain't getting your friends back"


"This town's got enough problems as it is. I ain't got time to deal with yours."

(Ok ya know what? This isn't a reader insert soooo... Meanwhile)

The bandits laugh as they collect the loot that you brought for your vacation

"Man I love being a bandit!"

"Si amigo"


You and Matthew struggled to try to get out of the cage that you were trapped in "excuse me chaps, but would you rapscallions perhaps be kind enough to set me free!" Prince Matthew said, Eduardo smiled and answered "no way! We're gonna ransom you off and make us thousands!"

"Si, mucho pesos"

"Seriously what's wrong with you?" Eduardo turned to jon who was busy petting the horse "keep an eye on our prisoners Juan!" And so Eduardo and Marco left

Juan turns to you and Matthew

"So what's it like being royalty?" He asks doing the 👉👈 thing

"It's a little bor- oof-" Matthew cut you off by pushing your head away

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