romantic fever (part 1)

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Lovesick Jon x reader, yuh

End me...
Not because I made this. It's because I liked this crap

Jon's pov:

Oh y/n~ my sweetheart. My beloved, my entire world, I couldn't help but be sad when they're not with me for a second. All I can really do is stare at a wall full of pictures of them

They'll never know it's there because it's behind my drawer cabinet, sure it's hard to push that thing with my stick arms but I have to stay humble and respect my honeybun's beautiful self, I'm quite lucky to have them all for myself and they're also lucky to have me worshipping them all day 24/11!

But as I heard footsteps coming towards my room I quickly pushed the drawer cabinet behind the pictures

As I answered the door, two of my closest friends were standing In front of me

"Jon we need to talk." laurel said as Todd stands behind her looking concerned and upset

"What? Why? What about?" They suddenly walked in my room and placed me on my bed

"Jon. Buddy. Are you alright?" Ask Todd, I looked at him confused but before I could speak, laurel butted in

"We've noticed your behavior recently and we were wondering if this has something to do with your s/o"

"Y/n? What about them?" Todd puts a hand on my shoulder

"Well you see..."


Jon sits on the corner on his bed against the wall, balling his eye out while eating a bowl of ice cream and wrapping himself in his blanket

Todd, hearing all the wreckage, came inside the room and saw Jon being a sobbing mess and got really concerned

"Jon? What's wrong? Are you alright!? Talk to me buddy"

"Y/n...*sniff* y/n found a boyfriend! They left me for another man!" Jon continues to cry on his blanket, spilling his ice cream bowl on the mattress as he do so

"wha- why would they do that? who?"

"Tom! Our neighbor..." Jon falls face first on his pillow and cries his eyes out again

Todd took a deep breath


"Yeah...? *Sniff*"

"Tom is y/n's cousin."


"Yeah. Not so sad now huh?"

*Flashback edds*

"I was just going through a phase."

"Jon. Seriously this is unhealthy and you and y/n need some time apart, or else they're going to get bored of you" as Todd said that I was shocked, why the heck would we want some time apart!? And...what if they do get bored of me...?

No they would never! They said that we're forever!

"Yeah, I'll go on the phone and tell them right now" Todd starts grabbing his phone and dialed in y/n's number,

I snatched his phone and he got a little angry but I pushed both Todd and Laurel out of the door, with both of them complaining

"Hey- my phone!"

"Jon! I swear I will get my boyfriend over here young man!"

"I want my phone back!"

"You both will be separated eventually-" I quickly shut the door on their faces

"Sorry my friends. But I don't want to go back to that depressing life I used to live..." My face turns serious...then happy!

"I should go see my honeybuns!" I put on my blue button up shirt and climb out the window


I got to the park where y/n said we should meet up and there they are...the world I can't live without...

"Hi y/n sweetie! I'm here! Like you said"

"Hey Jon, take a site" I sat down on the bench next to them and held their arm, snuggling my head against their shoulder

"It's nice that you're here jon-"

"Yes! I'm very happy too"

"And there's something that I want to say to you..."

"Oh me too, I have something to say to you"

"How about we say it at the same time? Alright, 1...2...3..."

"I want to move in with yo-""we need some space"


I just felt my heart shatter.

"I've been talking with edd, tom, laurel and Todd and we have agreed that you're kinda very...clingy."

"No I'm not!"

"Listen. This is about us, and you will feel much better spending time alone then with us being together 24/7"


"Jon? Are you going to be ok?"

I just stood up...and walked home.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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