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A request by MountainKoi

Another juan x reader everyone! Our western bean is back!

This takes place before saloonatics


*your pov*

I worked as a hunter for animals, it's not really a great job but at least I get money off from those companies that make these weird framed animal heads

I was casually walking by the river where I was assigned to get some bear fur, everything is fine until I heard a noise near the trees

I held my shotgun up and slowly walked toward the noise but then a frickin' horse came running towards me!

I dropped my gun and held my hands out to which the horse stopped. That was weird...I usually shot horses going mad in my area.

"Well hello there cider, what's your name?" I looked closer at the horse and found a name tag on the saddle

"Frijole? Ok well don't worry, I'll find your owner" I try to get on frijole's saddle but the poor thing's scared "hey don't worry, here" I reached into my bag and took out a carrot

The horse immediately eats the carrot and gently popped its noise on mine

"Heh, you're a cute little fella aren't ya?" Frijole was finally comfortable enough for me to ride on their back

It didn't take long for us to arrive at a town called spitbucket and I got to work by finding this horses owner

At first, no one knows or is the owner of the horse and I was about to give up but then...

"H-hey! That's my hores!" A small voice encoded through the corner and I saw a man wearing a big hat that covers his face

"Oh? This is yours? Well here you go" I thew the strap of the saddle to the tiny man in front of me

"Thank you for finding my horse sir/ma'am! Is there anything I could repay you?"

"Don't sweat it kid, it's just a simple problem I can handle"

"Oh but there must be something I can do for your troubles!" I just looked at this man and gave up. I mean I don't blame him, if I was in that situation I would do the same so I decided to put him out of his guilt.

"How about you repay me by giving me a joy ride to the carpet store?" The guy nodded and got on frijole and patting the open space of the saddle so I hopped on and held him by the waist

He yelps and flinched as I do so which got me a little worried

"You alright?"

"Y-yeah I'm fine...uhh... What's your name?"

"Y/n, you?"

"Juan, nice to meet you"

*timeskip and no one's pov*

As juan waits for you outside the shop he takes off his hat to talk to frijole

"It's the first time I've ever spoken to people other than my friends!"

Frijole give juan a proud look

"But I have to let them go at some point, but they're too....incredible to let go."

Frijole looks at juan all confused

"But they can't know I steal things and rob people! They would think I'm a terrible person.."

Frijole nuzzled her nose on juan's cheek as her way of saying everything is going to be ok

(Yes she's female)

"Heh. Thanks frijole" but that moment disappeared with a sound of a familiar voice from behind him

"Hey juan, the guy in the counter gave me this poster and-" y/n stares at juan, then the wanted poster. Then back to juan

"You..." Juan quickly put his hat back on

"I-its not what looks like y/n I swear!"

"So you're that recent bandit that people were talking about?"

"Yes... I'm sorry y/n."

"For what?" Now him and the horse looks at you with confusion

"You think that's gonna stop me from not being friends with you? I kill animals and we didn't get the chance to know each other"

Juan's eyes lit up and made a small smile underneath his bandana

"Well I guess we have time to talk, you know how to shoot a gun?"

"No?" You handed him a gun

"Well follow me if you wanna learn" and by that juan and y/n had a great time and became the best of friends

Or maybe something other than best friends...

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