Missed Me?

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Part one of the request from frog_islife

I chose this first because I want jon over here to wish you a merry Christmas :)

Warning: fluff & cheesy and a little weird

*your pov*

It was a nice night to walk around the snowy streets with no thought in my mind whatsoever... Though the only thing I can't get my mind off of is my boyfriend jon, he looked stressed and worried for the past month and I thought it has something to do with eduardo but mark and todd confirmed that it has nothing to do with him. I don't believe it though.

I want to do something about it but I was so busy with things that I don't have time to even look in his direction! It was ridiculous

The text messages ain't helping either.

Speaking of text messages I wonder if he texted me something. I opened my phone and immediately saw a notification with jons contact name

My life💙:
Good morning love! Sorry that I haven't been answering your calls I was also busy hehe...please forgive me

My life💙:
Let me tell you what happened: Eduardo keeps calling me lazy even though I do everything around the house! If you ask me he's the lazy one!

My life💙:
Y/n? Angel? Are you still here? Are you still busy? Just let me know if you're still here because I'm starting to get worried

My life💙:
I really missed your warm cuddles. You're the reason why I'm staying strong for myself y'know?

My life💙:
I hope you're doing great for yourself! I miss you!!!! And I love you!!!! ❤️💗💘💞💝💕♥️

Oh geez these were from yesterday. The poor thing must have felt like I'm ignoring him.

😇My angel🤍:
Hey cutie. I'm really sorry I was busy with so much stuff but I hope you don't feel lonely without me <3

I was about to put my phone back in my pocket but he replied immediately, Must have waited for me to respond.

My life💙:
Y/N! OMG how are you? Are you taking care of yourself? Do you still love me?🥺

Oh jon, What am I going to do with you?

😇My angel🤍:
I feel good now that I'm talking to you

Who says that I don't love you?

And to tell you the truth. No I haven't been taking care of myself

My life💙:
Why? You know you promise me that you would

😇My angel🤍:
I'm sorry baby but I'm so busy I can't even sit down without my boss saying "you need to be productive 24/7" like I work at seven 11.

My life💙:
But you do?

😇My angel🤍:
Only part-time 😒 but anyway are
you in your place? Maybe I could come over since I'm free now

My life💙:
No actually. I'm at the park right now playing around with the snow

Wait but I'm walking near the park...that means

I was RIGHT! jon is just at a short distance! I run over to him, which he noticed and started running towards me

That made us tackle each other on the ground but luckily the snow made the fall softer

As we sat up he pulled me closer and kissed me right on the spot, man I could feel him smiling in that kiss, and his thumb rubbing my cheek

As he finished I hugged him and of course he hugged back

"Missed me?" he gave me another kiss before answering


We stood up to brush the snow off of our winter outfits and I noticed a snowman wearing the scarf I gave jon, he must have noticed me staring because he quickly rushed over and took the scarf which made the head fall off, he panicked and tried to put the head back on

"oh my God calm down love" I remove the head from his hands and placed it back on the body

"hehe... sorry you have to see that.."

we both settled on a bench close to the snowman, I stared at it before turning my attention to jon who is cleaning out the scarf

"I want to talk to you about something love" he stopped what he was doing to look up at me

"what is it dear?"

"I noticed that you've been stressed or worried about something and it's been going on for a month and I want to know if you're alright. Because whatever problem you're going for I can help you fix it"


"If it's eduardo I'll woop his mark chin-shaped behind-"

"no no it's not eduardo"

"oh.... I'll apologize to him now."

"what? But- anyway I'm stressed because I was trying so hard to get closer to you but eduardo always stops me from doing so, it's not like he did it on purpose but I was getting worried about us getting separated."

"Why would you think that? I don't want to leave you ever! No matter how far I am from you, and besides I'm here now so that you can do whatever you want to do to me" I joked while giving him a wink, his face turned red and slightly push me away


"sorry it was a joke!" I laughed but he was still flustered and a little angry

"awe I'm sorry hun" I pulled him for a side hug and it seems he was laying his head on my shoulder, it pays to wear the pants

A comfortable silence was surrounding us as we intertwined our hands together and it was relaxing I give it that, what's even better is that snowflakes had started to fall, it was beautiful

"It's getting too cold, wanna go to my place and get those cuddles you wanted?" his adorable eyes lit up and quickly stood up from the bench, I chuckled and stood up as well and we both walk off with our hands still attached

"I'm so lucky to have you y/n," jon said before getting on his toes to kiss me on the cheek "I love you so much"

"likewise, but I love you more"

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