good 'ol fashion lover boy

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Fuck it in this story Eduardo is not a dick-

I believe in the papa Eduardo Supremacy 🛐🛐🛐

Also, this has to be my least favourite chapter.

There was a festival going on in the park and Eduardo, Mark, Todd and Jon came to have some fun on their weekend together, while eduardo and mark checks out the latest attractions todd and jon stayed behind and ate some food together

They were talking about stuff and enjoying their food then all of a sudden they saw a girl with blonde hair and a blue tank top proposing to another girl, also in blonde and is wearing a red tank top, the crowd clapped when she said yes

"Well, that's good for them, ain't that right mate? .... Jon?" Todd looks over at the little bean and it turns out he was looking... quite interested at the couple

" you think I'll find love todd?" Jon asks as he looks at todd slightly tilting his head

'Damn it todd I knew this question will be asked one day! ..just calm down and be a man!' Todd thought, then placed his arm around jon's shoulders and said...

"Probably and probably not."

"Aww..." Jon sighed sadly

'Shit! Well done todd you've completely disappointed your best pal! Gah! Why do I always say the wrong thing!'

Todd then noticed eduardo and mark standing with a crowd full of people waiting for the stage to open for the performance

"Uhhh....hey! Look! Eduardo and mark are over there! Let's go see what they're up to shall we?" But before jon could answer todd pulled him away from the stand making him drop the half-eaten food on a stick to the ground

"Ey you finally made it, I heard one of our idiot neighbour is drunk and he's in backstage"

"Oh word?"

"Yeah, me and mark are trying to get to the front of the crowd so that we could see him getting kicked out, hah!" And by that everyone is going through the crowd trying to see their idiotic neighbour

But everything is too crowded so what ends up happening is that the crew left jon behind because they were hidden beneath the crowd of people

"Uhh guys?" Jon was getting worried at this point and tries to find his friends

But then he bumped into a person who is visibly crying, when jon saw their face the person covered their face using their hand and ran off (while pushing 'a few' people away) of course jon, being the nice little cinnamon roll that he is, he ran after that person, he didn't want someone to be upset at this event

But then again. There's something about this person that made him click but he doesn't know what it is.

The person did ended up tripping which was the perfect opportunity for jon to reach out to them

"Are you alright?" He ask as he extended his hand, the person took his and was able to get up

"Yeah, I'm good *sniff* thanks."

"I hope this doesn't come out too straightforward but why were you running away crying?" They took a moment to breathe before they speak up

"M-my partner cheated on me, and out of all the places to figure it out it had to be here!" They exclaim and wiping out their tears after, jon place his hand on your back

"I'm sorry to hear that, you know I think it's a good thing that you ran away and not deal with their ugly face" yep he learned that from eduardo

"Wow that was bad." They joked but that kinda made jon a little upset

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