Chapter 1 the basketball tournament

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At home
"I don't want to be your friend anymore finney so just leave me alone"as those words repeated in my head i heard a sudden loud noise i woke up to see that it had been 7:00 in the morning and I was about to be late to school so i got up brushed my teeth took a shower then went to school with gwen hi i'm finney and i'm 17 years old now so i go to a new school now with  Robin Arellano you might think he's my best friend but we're not and why? Well beacuse back in middle school a lot of rumors spread about me talking crap behind his back but that wasn't true but he anded up believing it. On my way to school  saw Robin beating up Moose at the school yard  but i pulled gwen " Come on it was just getting good" I said "No Gwen""But Moose beat you up last time so he deserves it" i didn't say anything after that though i mean moose was a terrible guy so i guess he did deserve it. First class was Math and I had it with Robin which is terrible so after Mr. Johnson finished class the bullies were the 3 bullies so I hid in stalls "Come out Finney""This bathroom is for boys not f@*$" they said so i came out of the stall and i got beat up again.Today i have a basketball game later and it's against the warecats which was absolutely the worst since they won the tournaments for 10 YEARS STRAIGHT which was abslutely freaky.

Today i heard finn was gonna participate in a basketball tournament and i obviously didn't  care so i didn't wanna go but i had no choice because all students have to watch the basketball game so I went to the basketball game.

At the basketball court

Oh god I'm so nervous i'm sweating so much but i have to win this. So i calmed myself down breath in and breath out after i calmed down I went to sit down in the bench so scared WE might lose the tournament .

I saw Finney being nervous and i wish i could help him but i can't I mean we aren't even friends anymore but luckily he finally calmed down. I wish he wins the tournament though.

I could hear the net swishing the shoes squeaking and i could see my sweat dripping with only 5 seconds in the buzzer my teammate handed me the ball and i shot it from long way so we got 3 points and won the tournament everyone was so happy they were cheering ME on can u believe that theyr'e cheering ME on I was so happy we won so after that the coach told me my game was really great and my teammates said "Hmm i guess we really did underestimate you finney  anyway good game out there" after i went outside packed my stuff when all of a suddena a guy named bruce came up to me and said i had great game so i said thank you to him...

After that game it felt really great beacause finally someone could beat us i mean it's been 10 years straight but that was my last game at my old school so the coach said good job and that we did our best and then i saw that guy his name was finney and he was the one who scored the 3 pointer so i went up to him and told him he had great  game  and then he thanked me so I went with my teammates for my farewell party...
I was going to tell finney congatulations and yes i know we're not friends anymore but he deserves it though he was great out there but as i was about to tell him i saw a guy talking to him he was bruce i knew him because he was the enemy side's star player but when i saw finney with him and laughing with i felt something it was like a pinch in my heart i asked myself was this jelousy? so of course i ignored it and just ran out of their way and i'm pretty sure finney didn't see me...

Note: i update every day :))

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