Chapter 10:Love????

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Finney:I couldn't sleep with that thought lingering in my head i couldn't stop thinking about him so I decided to tell my dad if i could not show up to school today because i didn't feel well today and surprisingly my dad agreed!I was so glad i didn't have to see him today especially after what had happened yet my dad said he was gonna be put of twon for a few days so I was gonnabtake care of Gwen for a few days.I was sitting on the couch just watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre a.k.a. Robin's favourite movie yet while watching it then reminded me of what had happened yesterday i was squealing inside like a teenage girl having a crush on a guy it was pretty stupid yet I don't know if I really do like him sure he's a bully but being with him makes me feel warm his voice his hair his bandanna and the way he casually talks to me as if I were one of his friends..

Robin:It was already 7:30 in the morning yet Finney was still not here I was gonna apologize to him after what had happened yesterday..

*Flashback Robin's POV:After i kissed him he then pushed me away and ran away while i slumped there after realizing what i had done i felt embarrassed and happy, because my life long crush who i am in an arguement with now knows I like him!Now mw kissing him will make things worse!!!He might tell everyone what had happened or rven turn me down!!Now what do I do!!..

Robin:After class, I asked Finney's sister Gwen of she has seen her brother she said "Yeah he's at home he said he wasn't feeling alright so he said he wanted to stay at home.Why do you ask""Thanks!!"then i ran out of school to get something from the store for Finney and then it suddenly rained my jacket got wet but I got to Finney's house then knocked on his door he answered the door and found me soaked of the rain he looked at me worried bit also angry he asked "What are you doing what if you catch a cild are you crazy robin??"
"Im sorry but i heard from gwenny that you werent feeling well and i rushed as soon as i could"he sighed and signaled at me to come in and i did,As i walked into his house he gave me towel for me to dry myself and gave me a fressh clean pair of clothes.He then saw my hand and said"Did you get into a fight again?It looks wounded.I'll patch it up"I loved him.His hair and his kindness makes it impossible to know that a boy like him liled me too he looked like an angel while he patched my hands i looked at his lips they were really red and so pretty i looked at him and asked "Can i kiss you?"By the look on his face he was flustered it was an interesting reaction and as he looked away i grabbed his chin cupped his face and kissed him.He closed his eyes and so did I we then let go of each other and looked and he asked"Robin Arellano,will you uh go on a date with me?"i was really happy and said "Yes!!!"I was really happy and kissed him again.

Hi everyone!!This is the author and thank you all for the peopel who read my story and voyed for it i appreciate it a lot as i didnt think this story would get lots of viewers and voters thank you!!Also sorry for the late uploads as i was busy with school but i promise i'll update very soon.Thank you!!

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