A new start

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Finney:It is almost robin's birthday.I wonder what i should get him?Hmmm maybe comics?Well he does like Marvel maybe i should get him a marvel comic and a figure!But what figure?Oh maybe I should get him spiderman figure!Ok I'm gonna shop now
Hmm i only have $20 let me just get my piggy bank maybe there's more.Nice there's $80 ok now that I have enough money to buy now i'll just go out now...

At the shop...
Finney:As i was going to the shop to buy Robin's present for his birthday i saw my friend Bruce and it looked like he was with Vance?Hmm i never knew they were friends well that's great he's making new friends!I went inside the shop and bought the comics and the figure good thing they only cost $50!Ok im just gonna go home now since shopping is done all i've gotta do know is wrap it!

At home...
Finney:I suddenly heard a sound coming from our house.It was my dad!I was surprised to see my father there at the kitchen since he was supposed to arrive later tonight and he was in a good mood?I also saw my dad cooking?It was honestly surpising for my dad never cooked I asked my sister Gwenny what was wrong she said "I don't know dad just came back from work and was really happy he even gave me a hug?"My dad then spotted me and said "Oh hey son!I didn't know you were back!"and then proceeded to give me a tight hug I was honestly surprised but hugged back since it was a long time since he ever hugged me and Gwenny My dad then said " Let's eat now lunch is ready!" Me and gwenny
then proceeded to sit at the table still surprised by our father's actions we then took a bite out of the food and were surprised that it was really delicious!Me and Gwenny then asked our father why he was acting like this dad said "Well i always knew i wasn't a good father to you guys and i just wanted to have a new start with you guys!I know i haven't been a good dad so i just wanted to make it up to you guys I hope you guys forgive me"Me and my sister were surprised and accepted the apology we were both happy about this and hugged our dad..

                                            To be continued..

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