Chapter 7:The Birthday Party Pt 1

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Finney:Today is Robin's b-day party!I wonder what should  I wear?
Oh wait I know!I then put on a green and white sweater with a pair of baggy jeans..

At Robin's house..

Finney:Ok i got here now i looked around to see a lot of people dancing to music i saw a table with gifts i then put it down there i then saw Robin i awkwardly waved to him but yet he ignored it i figured that it must have been because he was with his friends i then looked around to see Donna she lookes so beautiful with her tied up hair and dress i then walked up to her and said hi..

Robin:I saw Finney lurking around the party then putting down his gift i wondered what it was especially since it was really big then i saw his cute face his big brown eyes and red lips he looked so handsome in his green and white sweater i wanted to kiss him my friend said "Robin?" I told him "What?"
"Are u listening" " Yeah I am" i hated this guy he's such an @ssh*le to Finney why did i even invite this guy he was so gross he wqs such a snob too i just wanted to punch that face of his. I then saw Finney waving at me i didn't wave back because my "friends" might see Fred then said "Did u see that Finney kid?" "Why is he here? Did you invite him here?" I then said "No he's just a plus one by that Bruce kid""Ha i knew it you'd never get so low than to to invite that Finney kid here" I then clenched my fist and laughed awkwardly at his remark I felt bad saying that only to get a couple of snobs off my back I then saw Finney talking with Donna i said to myself "Why is he talking with Donna?Are they friends or something??" While clenching my fist tighter i was jealous that he was talking with Donna it should've been me..

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