Chapter 9:An apology or a confession?

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Finney:I woke up the next day brushed my teeth as usual I was still mad about what had happened yesterdaybso I decided not to talk to Robin as long as i'm alive thank god my sister was there to cheer me up she always knows what to do when im sad my father then drove us to school and listened to music on the way there it's a rare oppurtunity for pur dad to ever drive us to school so we went with it..

Robin:I woke up with an ear piercing headache wondering what had happened yesterday then i remembered i feel so bad for Finney i never should've said that to him i was so stupid for doing that,I really should say sorry to Finney.I then arrived to school with an apology letter all thought out I saw Finney by his locker so I went up to him and politely said Hi but he just walked away before I could say sorry so I went after him until my friends caught up they were so annoying so I left them there I then went to class earlier than usual to talk to Finney but the bell rang before i could, i just wish i could talk to him wait I have an idea!..

Finney:I went to my locker to get some of my books for my first class then Robin suddenly came up to me i didn't know what he wanted with me so i
walked away i was still mad at him for saying that of course i went to class earlier so that he'd stay away from me but he went to class early too but then the bell rang before he could speak to me thank god for that bell..

Robin:I then slipped a letter to Finney's locker after class saying "Dear Finney come meet me at the science lab after school its urgent-Bruce"of course i wouldnt address my name there if i did he would never go there so i waited and waited till school finished to talk to him..

Finney:I saw a letter on my locker which was addressed to me it said"Dear Finney come meet me at the science lab after school its urgent-Bruce"Bruce would never say dear but i figured that it was very urgent so i waited after school finished so i could help Bruce with his situation..

Robin:I then waited in the science lab to talk to Finney and suddenly i heard Finney coming near so I opened the door and grabbed his arm Finney was surprised and asked "Where's Bruce?He told me to meet him here""Bruce didnt send that letter Finney it was me who sent that""So u lied?!""Yes,but it was only to talk to you so please just hear me out""Fine,now hurry up you have 2 minutes""Look i know what i did was really shitty but please forgive me I didnt mean to""You didn't mean to?!Yet you laughed at my present and said who invited me when you invited me?!You know what this converstaion is done im leaving""Wait!" I then grabbed him by the wrist and held his waist and said "I love you" and kissed him..

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