Chapter 11:The date!!

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Today is a special day,its the day me and Robin will have a date!!Im so excited i cant wait!!I texted Robin and said good morning:

Finney:Hi good morning!!

Robin:Heyy hermoso good morning excited for today?

Finney:Of course i am

Robin:Well what's the plan for today?

Finney:Secrettt i wanna surprise you so you gotta wait

Robin:Alright pretty boy,i'll pick you up later about 5?

Finney:Sure!!Cant wait to meet you later<333

I felt my heart fluttering as if it was going to pop out any minute!!


I decided to get ready now so i'll look good I curled my hair wore my new clothes and told Gwenny and Dad i was going out I was nervous they might not accept me for liking hum but i'll them at some point so by the meantime I'll just enjoy our date!!

Robin picked me up and i told him where we were going;the mall

We went to the arcade first and we played lots of games he sucked at video games which was appealing and funny after we went to get food we stopped by mcdonald's i got the Big mac he got nuggets and fries we ate and then got dessert we were going to the park and just walk till we saw something very interesting it was Bruce and Vance!!Both of our best friends together!!I wanted to greet them but Robin pulled me back and we hid at a tree then the MOST surpeising thing happend they kissed?!I said to Robin"Let's get out of here b4 they see us hurry!!"We ran and ran but unfortunately saw us we ran till we were out of breath.Phew!!Me and Robin then laughed at the end of the date we went to hill we saw the moon and we talked and it was nice i said "I love you Robin Arellano i can't wait to spend my life with you"then we kissed it was nice his lips were warm.

We went back to my housr i was squealing I am so happy!!

Hi everyone!!Sorry the chapter is a bit rushed but I promkse to show Robin's Pov next chapter and next chapter will contain a bit of angst that's all Thank you!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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