Chapter 3: The new kid Part.2

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Me and bruce went to our next class i had math and he had history so he just dropped me off to class i sat down at my seat and took out my math textbook.

I just saw Finney enter with bruce again why is he sticking with finn anyway he acts as if he's a fucking dog it's just unfair me and finney were best friends (boyfriends u mean ;) ) first i was his FIRST BESTFRIEND why is he even sticking to him i'm his BESTFRIEND and always will
so i just sat down at my seat and took out my math textbook...

The teacher all of a sudden said that we were gonna have some seat arrangements and i got seated with ROBIN the ROBIN i mean i wasn't happy nor was I mad I mean even if we aren't even friends anymore i still have some of those feeling for him and yes i mean THOSE feelings i mean i had a crush on him since middle school i just couldn't tell him since it was hard for me to come out to my BEST FRIEND...

The teacher just said there's seat arrangements and i get to sit next to Finney YES I can finally seat with him and yes i know now I LIKE FINNEY and yes I will try to form a best friend relationship and yes I like him i really do so as i got seated with Finney I saw just atentively looking at the board and as I stared at him I noticed his hair was so fluffy i wanted to touch it  and his red peach lips... he was so beautiful he looked gorgeous i can't sven describe how gorgeous he looks oh crap... he caught me staring at me  shit shit shit!!!??? WHAT DO I DO  OH MY GOD HE SAW OMFG HE'S LOOKING AT ME SHIT SHIT SHIT....

As the teacher was lecturing us I thought someone was looking at me bu i shrugged it off but I still felt someone's stare so i looked to the one beside me AND IT WAS ROBIN LOOKING AT ME  WHY WAS HE LOOKING AT ME OMFG??? So  i passed him a note that said "do you need something?".

Finn passed me a note and it said "do you need something"
I said " no why??" he said " oh because i thought you needed something cause you were staring" OH SHIT HE KNEW I WAS LOOKING AT HIM I WAS PANICKING AND  SWEATING so I just thought of an excuse i said " well i was thinking if you could tutor me at math cause Mrs. Johnson talks too fast and well...
your the only one who can explain it better so umm... can u tutor me?.... I know I was really mean to you but can you help me... Please?:(...."

He said he needed help with math and even said please it was really cute so cute i actually laughed  and said " yeah of course i'd like to tutor you and don't worry i forgive you for bullying me:))"

Hi everybody thank you for the views and votes for the past chapters i hope you guys enjoy this chapter :))

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