Chapter 12

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I'll see you after school so we can study, alright?"
"Okay, hopefully, you're as smooth as you are in math"
"Nothing, Cya!"
Sky rushed into her class after that. 'Smooth as you are in math?' What was she thinking? That was a lame response. But, no matter, she gets to spend more time with him and see why this boy was interesting. Was it his messy, fluffy black hair? His chocolate, covered eyes? Or, was it how tall he was and how fit he looked. Well, whatever it was, it was captivating her attention, which she normally isn't captivated since most boys in high school lack emotional depth and usually just want a good time. Which, Sky wanted to have a good time too, and she wasn't necessarily looking for a long-term relationship that lasted outside of highschool, she was realistic, however, she just wanted a boy to hang out with after school. Someone she can kiss, but also laugh with. It seemed like a lot to ask for in at her school, but maybe with him. However, as she was focused on Storm's charms, her teacher tapped
     "Hey, pay attention Sky"
     "Huh-oh! Yes, I was"
     "Uh-huh, okay class, I'd like to introduce the new student. Storm Buckles. Just sit next to Sky"
Sky's face flushes with red. Why didn't he tell her he had the same class as her? She watched him as he sat down and smiled at her, but she also looked around and also saw some girl's eyes captivated by him. She looks back at him
     "Why didn't you tell me you had this class too?"
     "I would've if my counselor didn't pull me out of class to tell me I was in the wrong class. So, what's up? What'd I miss?"
     "A whole quarter! Hopefully, this class doesn't tank your grade"
     "I was in the IB class of this at my other school. I got this"
Sky rolled her eyes as Storm smiled. The class seemed to slow down ever since he stepped in, maybe because she kept sneaking quick glances at him, but he'd always catch her and even whispered
"Take a picture, it'll last longer"
She looks away immediately as she heard him chuckle, and tried to stay focused. Once all the classes ended for the day, the two walked to Sky's house and as they headed inside, Sky's mother greeted them and looked at Storm a bit peculiar, but no matter as they dumped all their homework onto the table and started to work on it. As they were working, Sky's mom gave them some sticky rice balls
     "Thanks, Mrs.Nuyin"
     "Ah, it's just Ms. Scarlett"
     "Oh... Sorry"
     "It's alright"
Storm ate his rice balls quietly, and Sky takes her pencil and points it at one of the DBQ questions for their A.P. U.S. History class
     "And that's why Hamilton wanted to create a national bank"
     "Mm, how interesting"
     "Should be if you wanna pass the class"
Storm shrugged his shoulders as he flipped over his homework
     "So, do you draw? I only ask because of the mass amounts of drawings around the walls"
     "Yea, I'm in A.P. Art. How about you, do you draw?"
     "Nah, I'm a musician... I'd like to think. I just play the guitar and sing"
     "Can you play right now? We have a guitar in the basement"
     "Nah, fingers got slammed yesterday by my friend. We drank a bit too much last night"
Sky sits back and finishes her workup. While she finishes her work, Storm gets up and puts their plates in the sink and starts running the water onto the plates to water out the residue.
     "You don't have to do that, you're a guest. Please don't clean off the plates"
     "It's okay, I already did it"
Sky got up and lightly pushed Storm out of the way to clean off the plates. Storm sighed and sat back at the table and looked at her
     "Do you normally have visitors over?"
     "Not really, no. I just hide out in the room either watching movies or homework."
"How interesting, so you're a homebody?"
     "When I want to be. I do what I want to do, and my fun consists of legal fun, unlike yours"
     "Mm, guess your right."
     "Hey, Storm. Are you going to be staying over for dinner?"
Storm turned back and looked at Sky's mother a bit awkwardly. He hasn't had a real dinner in, ever.
     "If I can, if it's okay with you Ms. Scarlett"
     "It's fine with me, what do you kids want before I head out?"
     "I agree with Sky."
     "Pizza it is!"
Sky's mother calls the pizza place, and places in a large order for a half pepperoni and cheese pizza. Sky's mother stepped out of the house, telling the two to behave, and that Storm has to be gone by 9:30. After Sky's mom left the two finished their homework, and waited for the pizza to arrive. Once the pizza did arrive they had a few slices and they both went up to Skys room to watch a movie, even though it was forbidden for boys to go upstairs. Although, who cares. Sky grabbed the remote to the tv off her dresser and asked Storm what he wanted to watch.
"I don't really care, we can watch anything you want."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's fine"
Storm started to make himself comfortable on her bed, and by doing so he lightly put his arm around her. Sky didn't know how to react to this, so she quickly stood up and offered to grab some popcorn for the movie.
"Uh... Didn't we just eat."
"Yea, but who doesn't eat popcorn and watches a movie?"
"Fine, alright"
Sky nodded and walked out of the room and down the stairs.
Stormbannged his hand on his forehead, then slowly dropped his hand down to his mouth.
"Damn it! I took it too far! I'm so stupid!"
He heard Sky walking up the stairs so he put his hand in his lap. Sky came in with the popcorn and gave him a bowl.

After the movie was over it was 9:00, Storm started putting his things in his bag so he could leave. When Storm left, he stood at the door and looked back
"We should do this again. I think it's fun hanging out with you, even if I find you a nerd"
"Yea yea, whatever, just be prepared as we'll be watching scary movies"
"Think you'll be the only one scared"
"Whatever, goodbye Storm"
Storm laughed as he left, and once he was out of sight, Sky quickly went upstairs and fell asleep.

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