Chapter 10

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As Sky woke up groggily, she prepared herself for school. She threw on random clothes, threw her hair up in a  ponytail, grabbed her backpack and headed out the door. Last night, Sky spent the entire time looking for her necklace, as she felt so lost without it. She didn't even have it for that long, but she cherished it deeply because of how beautiful it was. She went out to school, and when she arrived at school she tried waving at Cleo, but she didn't even wave back. Weird. Sky even went out of her way to go and talk to Cleo, but she couldn't because Cleo would evade her by moving to a different part of the building. She sighed and waited to see her when they were in Art class. As the bell was called, Sky went to Art class and waited for Cleo, but she saw Cleo go up to the art teacher and whispered something to her, before heading out of the class. She got up and followed her out of class even when the art teacher told her to stay and wait for the 20-20 rule. Sky didn't care. She only cared about where Cleo was going, and when she saw her going into the bathroom, she followed inside
     "What's been going on with you this morning? Why have you been avoiding me?"
     "Can you just leave me be? I'm trying to go to the bathroom. And, what do you care? You don't even want to hang out with me. You just hang out with me because your parents tell you too. Such a great friend"
     "What? I hung out with you because I wanted too. If I didn't want too, I would've told my parents I don't want too. What's your deal?"
"What's my deal? Wow, okay. Well for starters, I'm depressed and ugly. Second, I can't even get a guy because of it. Third, you"
     "What happened to see your therapist? And, you're not ugly, you're very beautiful, and your goal shouldn't be getting a guy, it should be learning how to draw and getting money for it. Also, why me?"
     "Because it's obvious Storm likes you"
     "We've just hung out twice, if that makes you think he likes me then you're out of your mind"
     "Fine, tell him that outside"
Cleo pushes her out... Does she? Sky didn't feel a hand on her, but that didn't matter because she tackled Storm in front of her. Wait. Storm? What is he doing at her school? And, why is he even here? Sky couldn't believe it, but she saw Storm's mouth curve into a smirk
     "Nice seeing you again, Sky"

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