Chapter Four

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Monday morning Rory groans and turns off his alarm "Rory, can I come in?" Charlie asks. "Mhm, sure dad." he expound, sitting up. Charlie walks in with a parcel "This arrived for you about an hour ago." he tells him. Rory frowns slightly "Thanks dad." he responds. Charlie nod "I'll leave you to get ready for school." he says' walking out and shutting the door. Rory opens the parcel, looking at the note first
May have sneakily measured you when we went shopping Saturday. Sorry, no returns. Alice and Rosalie xx
Shaking his head he looks at the parcel to find four binders in different colours, one black, one white, one skin tone and one tie dye rainbow. Smiling he feels tears pool in his eyes as he jumps up and follows the instructions on how to put them on safely. Pulling the rainbow one on he looks in the mirror and lets out a happy sob, quickly pulling on the outfit Alice chose for him and looking in the mirror. Smiling he runs to the bathroom and does his hair before heading downstairs "Hey dad. Don't worry about taking me to school, Rosalie is picking me up." Rory tells him. "Okay, I might be working late so you might have to work dinner out yourself." Charlie responds. Rory nods and grabs a cereal bar and an apple, beginning to eat them for breakfast "That's fine. I'll work something out." he responds. "Oh, I rang the school and got them to change your name on the system. I also sent off for the legal name change documents for you and me to fill out." Charlie tells Rory. "Thanks dad." Rory grins, hugging his dad.

After finishing his breakfast, Rory hears Rosalie pull up to the house "That's Rose, I'll see you tonight." he tells Charlie. "Okay, I'll leave some money on the side incase you want to order in." Charlie nods, pulling the money out as he talks. "Thanks dad, have a good day at work." Rory smiles, grabbing his bag and walking out the house. Walking over to the car, Rory sees Emmett in the car with Rosalie "Morning Rose, Em." he greets, climbing in. "Sweet haircut Rory." Emmett tells him. "Thanks Emmett." Rory smiles. "You get the parcel?" Rosalie asks as she starts driving. "Yes and thank so much Rose. I absolutely love them...might have cried slightly when I put one on this morning." Rory responds with sincerity in his voice. "It was no problem Rory. We wanted to get them for you." Rosalie smiles. "But still, it means a lot." Rory tells her. Rosalie smiles as she pulls into the car park of the school, parking next to Edward's Volvo "You ready?" Rosalie asks. Rory nods nervously "Hey, don't be nervous. Anyone gives you a hard time let us know and we'll sort it out for you." Emmett tells him. "Okay." Rory nods, climbing out the car. "Rory! I told you this outfit would look amazing on you!" Alice squeals, hugging him. Rory laughs "You said that about every outfit I got on Saturday." he points out, hugging her back with a chuckle. "And I'm never wrong." Alice smirks, making Rory laugh. "I guess not." he agrees.

Rory walks into the school with the others, trying to ignore the looks he's getting from people as he walks past them "Ignore them." Edward tells him. Nodding Rory follows Alice and Jasper to art, bidding the others goodbye "What you doing later?" Alice asks. "Nothing really, Dad is working late." Rory responds. "Come round ours? Carlisle and Esme really want to meet you." Alice asks. "If they're alright with it then sure. I'll have to message Dad and let him know if they say yes." Rory tell her. "They'll be more then happy for you to come round." Jasper assures him. "I'll message Dad after lesson then." Rory smiles. "Good." Alice nods. The teacher walks in making the three of them stop talking as the teacher does the register before telling them to carry on with their projects.

After lesson Rory gets up and puts his bag over his shoulder, walking out the classroom with Alice and Jasper "I'll message dad now." Rory tells them. "Good, see you at lunch." Jasper smiles before walking off. Alice links arms with Rory as they walk to their next lesson, Rory messaging Charlie as they do
Rory- Am I alright to go to the Cullen's after school?
Dad- Yes, make sure you're back by ten as it's a school night
Rory smiles "Dad said it's fine as long as I'm home by ten as it's a school night." he tells Alice. "Yay, Esme and Carlisle are looking forward to meeting you." Alice tells him, smiling. "I'm looking forward to meeting them too." Rory responds as they walk into class.

At lunch Rory heads over to his and the Cullen's table, sitting between Emmett and Jasper "Dad said I can come yours after school." Rory tells Emmett, Rosalie and Edward. "Great, you can catch a lift with me if you want." Edward suggests. "Sounds good." Rory agrees with a nod. As Rory eats he feels eyes on him making him look up to see Lauren Mallory looking at him, whispering to Jessica Stanley and laughing with her about whatever she had said. Rory pulls his hood up feeling self conscious "You alright Rory?" Edward asks him with a small frown. "Yeah, just a bit cold." Rory lies, feigning a smile. The others nod unsurely but leave the topic, changing it to what they did the rest of the weekend and asking Rory about what he did. Rory tries to join in with the conversation but keeps looking over to Lauren and Jessica, feeling self conscious and wanting to leave.

(Trigger Warning: Transphobic slurs, hate and abuse)
After school Rory leaves Chemistry with Rosalie "You go ahead to the others I'm going to go to the toilet and my locker. I'll meet you there." he tells her. "Okay, see you when you get there." Rosalie nods. Rory nods and heads in the opposite direction going to his locker first, freezing when he sees Lauren, Jessica and a couple of the guys from the football team "Oh look it's the tranny." Lauren stage whispers as Rory opens his locker. "Bet it's because SHE just wants to be interesting." Kieran adds. Rory feels tears beginning to gather in his eyes. "The freak shouldn't be allowed it school. It will pass on it's mental disease." Quentin sneers. Rory goes to walk away after closing his locker only to be stopped by Kieran and Quentin blocking his way "Where you going freak?" Kieran asks. "Just get out my way." Rory says, trying to go round them,. "Not so fast freak." Lauren says, grabbing Rory's arm, digging her nails into his skin "The Cullen's are mine and you're to keep your tranny self away from them." she sneers. Rory tries pulling away but is shoved to the floor by Kieran, his face hitting the ground "Freak can't even take a shove." Quentin laughs. Lauren kicks Rory in the side five times "Make sure you stay away from them you freak!" she sneers. Kieran laughs and kicks Rory in the face before grabbing the front of his shirt and punching him a few times "You'll never be a real boy, freak." he sneers, spitting on Rory before walking off. Quentin gives Rory a kick before following with Lauren and Jessica.
(Trigger Warning Over)

Rory sits up coughing and leans against the lockers, feeling blood coming from both his nose and his mouth "Rory!" Rosalie exclaims, rushing over with Emmett. "Rose, Em." Rory groans. "What the hell happened?" Emmett growls. Rory shakes his head coughing, groaning and wincing "I just want to get out of here." he mumbles. Emmett gently picks Rory up, carrying him out to the front of the school and to the others by the cars "Ror!" Alice exclaims. "Rory who did this?" Jasper asks him gently. "I don't wanna talk about it." Rory mumbles. "We should get him to ours and get Carlisle to check him over." Edward says, knowing that they're not going to get a proper response from him. Rory groans slightly as he moves his head "Good idea." Emmett nods, gently placing Rory in the front seat of Edward's Volvo.

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