Chapter Fourteen

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Rory laughs as he and Jacob play on his xbox "Don't shoot me, man! We're on the same team!" Jacob exclaims, laughing

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Rory laughs as he and Jacob play on his xbox "Don't shoot me, man! We're on the same team!" Jacob exclaims, laughing. "Then stop getting in the line of fire!" Rory laughs. Charlie leans against the doorframe, chuckling slightly "Boys, you want to order pizza tonight?" he asks. "Sounds good, Dad." Rory smiles. "Okay, Billy and I will order it when the game finishes." Charlie nods. "Okay, let us know when it's here." Rory tells his dad. Charlie smiles and heads back downstairs "They still playing on the xbox?" Billy asks. "Yeah, they said pizza is good." Charlie nods. "Where's Bella?" Billy asks his friend. "Her grounding finished yesterday so she's out with friends tonight. I'm hoping if I let her out the house she'll be less likely to take out any anger in Rory." Charlie admits. "I know what you're thinking, Charlie. It isn't your fault, it's Renée's for raising her that way." Billy tells him. "If I hadn't let her move in-" Charlie starts. "You wouldn't have forgiven yourself, she may be... a bit problematic but she's still your daughter." Billy tells him. Charlie sighs and nods "I just wish she wouldn't treat Rory the way she does." he tells his friend. "I know you do, all you can do is support Rory and try to educate Bella." Billy responds.

The two boys come tumbling down the stairs once the pizza arrives, playfully pushing each other "Careful you two." Billy tells them. "We are." the two of them respond, sitting on the sofa together. Bella walks in and looks at Billy and Jacob in surprise "Hey Billy, hey Jacob." she greets, smiling flirtatiously at Jacob. "Hey Bella." Jacob responds, not really paying attention as he and Rory grab pizza for their plates. "Evening Bella." Billy nods. "Hey Bells, you want pizza?" Charlie asks. "I'm alright, I ate while I was out with Angela and Jess." she responds, Charlie nodding in response. Rory playfully sticks his tongue out at Jacob as he takes the last piece of pepperoni "The betrayal!" Jacob playfully exclaims, putting a hand over his chest. "You're just to slow Jakey." Rory teases, waving the pizza in front of him. Jacob manages to take a bite "Jake!" Rory laughs. "Mmm, it's good." Jacob grins, Rory playfully hitting his arm. "Rude." he tells his best friend, Jacob grinning at him. Charlie and Billy shake their heads with chuckles, Bella looking at Rory in disgust as he eats the pizza "You're right, it is good." Rory tells Jacob. Bella walks to the kitchen and grabs herself a drink of water "So, how are the Cullens?" Billy asks Rory. "Good, Esme has me helping her with a new house design she's working on for their cousins in Denali." Rory smiles, taking a bite of his pizza. "What you doing for her?" Billy smiles. "I'm helping with the colour palettes and what sort of art they're having on the walls." Rory explains.

Bella walks back in, sitting in the spare armchair "You'll have to get her to help you redesign your room." Charlie tells his son. "She's redesigning her room?!" Bella exclaims. Rory flinches "Your brother has been saving up his monthly allowance so he can redecorate, he asked permission when he first moved here." Charlie tells her, emphasising Rory's pronouns. Bella rolls her eyes, Rory clenching his jaw "Bella. A word. Outside." he says. Bella nods, walking outside "I'll be back in a minute." Rory tells his Dad, Uncle and best friend, following his sister out. "What do you want Aurora?" Bella sneers. "First of all, it's Rory. Not Aurora, Rory! Second, you can stop with all the misgendering. I am a boy! I have always been a boy! I am not your sister, I am your brother! Get that into your head! Third, just because you don't like it does not mean that you get to talk down to me! Especially when Uncle Billy and Jacob are here! They're family at this point and I will not have you making them feel awkward when they come round here because you don't like the fact that I was born in the wrong body! Stop acting like a spoiled brat who got told no to ice cream and grow the Hell up!" Rory glares, turning on his heel and walking back into the house. Charlie, Billy and Jacob all look at him in surprise but don't say anything as he sit back down "Sorry about that, it's been building up for years." he tells them. Before any of them can respond, Bella storms back in and glares at Rory before storming up to her room "I'll talk to her after she's cooled off." Charlie decides.

There's a sudden smash, followed by a crash from Rory's room "What the...?" Rory asks, running up to his room with Charlie and Jacob behind him. Getting to his room, he finds his tv and xbox smashed on the floor "No..." Rory trails off, tears in his eyes as he looks at two of his most prized possessions. "Isabella Marie Swan!" Charlie shouts, going to Bella's room. Bella lies on her bed, trying to hide her smirk "What?" she asks. "Why would you smash your brother's tv and xbox? You know they were gifts to him!" Charlie tells her. "Why should she have all the good stuff while I have all the crappy stuff?" Bella shouts. "He was gifted them but two of his partners, I didn't get them for him. I have never treated you two different to each other, I have always treated you equally." Charlie responds. "It's not fair! She gets everything! The cute boys, the cool stuff, everything! She doesn't deserve the Cullens! She's a slut for being with all of them and doesn't deserve to be here! You and Mom should have dropped her off a cliff the moment she was dropped on our doorstep!" Bella sneers. Rory freezes, breathing heavily as he looks at his Father "Rory-" Charlie starts. "Am I... Am I adopted?" Rory asks him. Charlie nods "Yes, I was going to tell you when you turned 18. I never wanted you to find out like this." he responds. Rory nods "I-I need air." he says, rushing downstairs and out the front door. Shaking slightly, Rory runs to the bin and throws up in it. Wiping his mouth Rory stands straight and starts walking down the road, not paying attention to where he's going.

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