Chapter Two

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As the week comes to an end Rory walks out the house and climbs into the back Rosalie's car, Rosalie and Emmett sitting in the front "Morning." he smiles. "Morning Rory." Rosalie and Emmett respond. "You looking forward to shopping tomorrow?" Rosalie asks. "Definitely." Rory smiles. "You might change your mind by the time Alice has finished." Emmett laughs. Rory shrugs "Still looking forward to it." he tells them. "Alice will be happy to hear that." Rosalie smiles making Rory smile slightly. "More like, she'll be happy to hear she has a new shopping buddy." Emmett pipes up. Rosalie rolls her eyes "You got any particular shops you want to go to?" she asks Rory. "Um...not really. I never really did my clothes shopping, I always got given Bella's hand me downs." Rory explains. "Well, don't tell Alice that. She might get you a whole new wardrobe...actually she's going to do that anyway." Rosalie tells him, making Rory smile and let out a small laugh as they pull up to the school. The three of them climb out the car and Rory is immediately pulled into a hug by Alice "Last day of the week til the weekend!" Alice grins. Rory laughs as he hugs Alice back "I know Alice." he responds. "I have so many outfits in my head that I need to get you tomorrow." Alice tells him. "Not too many Alice, I don't have that much money." Rory chuckles awkwardly. "Money is no problem, tomorrow is our treat." Rosalie tells him. "No arguments, we're having so much fun tomorrow and you can't stop us from it." Alice adds as Rory goes to protest. "You're not going to be able to talk them out of it Rory, so don't try. You'll just be wasting your breath." Edward tells him with a smile. Rory sighs "Fine, but I get to at least help you guys choose some outfits for yourself." he tells them. "Deal." Alice and Rosalie respond at the same time.

Rory flops into his seat at lunch and rest his head on the table "You alright there?" Emmett asks with a laugh. "I hate math. Why does math exist?" Rory groans making the others chuckle. "You want a list of jobs that math is used for or..." Edward jokes, trailing off at the end. Rory sits up "Oh ha ha." he responds, pulling out his lunch and starting to eat. "So, I have a list of shops we are going to go to tomorrow." Alice smiles. Rory nods and motions for her to tell him "Hollister, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, GAP, Urban Outfitters, Nike, Adidas and any others we see when we're out." Alice lists. Rory nods "Sounds like a plan." he agrees. Just then his phone buzzes making him pull it at and check it, seeing a message from his dad he opens it and frowns slightly
Dad - your mum called, we need to talk when you get home
Rory frowns and shakily puts his phone away, panicking at what he could be talking about and if he knows why he was made to move to Forks "Rory, you alright?" Jasper asks, making Rory snap out of it and look over. "Uh...y-yeah. All good, dad just wants to talk about something when I get home." Rory tells them. "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Edward assures him. "Y-yeah, you're probably right." Rory nods. "Okay, tomorrow you want us to pick you up at half nine?" Alice asks. "Yeah, sounds like a plan." Rory agrees.

(Trigger Warning: Transphobia Mentioned)
Alice pulls up in front of the Swan residence "I'll pick you up at half nine tomorrow with Rosalie." Alice smiles. "See you then." Rory nods, climbing out the car. Rory walks up onto the porch and sends Alice and Jasper a wave as they drive off before walking into the house "Dad?" he calls out. "In the kitchen." Charlie calls back. Rory drops his bag by the stairs and walks into the kitchen "Hey dad, what's wrong? You sent a message at lunch saying you want to talk." Rory asks. "Yeah, your mum called early...had an interesting conversation with her." Charlie tells him. "Y-yeah?" Rory responds shakily. " know you can talk to me...right?" Charlie asks. "Course I do." Rory says, playing with his hands. "Do you though? With what your mum said...I don't feel like you do know that." Charlie tells him. "D-did she...did she tell you why I...moved out here?" Rory asks anxiously. "She told me her side...I want to here your side." Charlie responds. "Dad I...I came out to her, Phil and transgender. I...I'm transgender." Rory tells him quietly. Charlie nods "Why...why didn't you tell me?" he asks. "I scared. Mum she...she didn't like it. She said that she...she didn't want a...a..." Rory trails off. "A what?" Charlie asks. "A tranny in her house." Rory tells him quietly. Charlie sighs and shakes his head "I don't understand that woman." he mumbles, standing up and hugging Rory "You're still my kid. No matter what." he tells him. Rory cries and hugs his dad tightly, a wave of relief rushing over him "What name do you want me to call you?" Charlie asks. "R-Rory." Rory responds with a sniffle. Charlie nods as they pull away "Come on, let's go out for dinner or we can order in." he tells Rory. "Can we order pizza?" Rory asks. "Pepperoni?" Charlie smiles. "Pepperoni." Rory nods in confirmation.
(Trigger Warning Over)

Rory laughs as he and his dad watch 'Whose Line is it Anyway?' At the end of the episode, Charlie yawns and hands Rory the tv remote "I'm beat. I'll see you before I head to work in the morning, don't stay up to late." he tells Rory. "I won't. Night dad." Rory smiles. "Night Son." Charlie responds, heading up to bed. Smiling Rory turns off the tv and moves the empty pizza boxes to the kitchen, putting them in the trash before heading up to bed himself.

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