Chapter Twelve

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(Same outfit as last chapter)

Rory runs down the road, ignoring his father's shouts behind him. He keeps running until he sees the La Push reservation sign, coming to a stop he leans against the sign as he tries to catch his breathe "Rory?" a female voice asks. Turning, he sees Sue Clearwater in her car "S-Sue?" he asks, trying to wipe his tears away. "Hey honey, what's wrong? Why are you all the way out here?" she asks, climbing out her car. "I-I needed to g-get away. Bella sh-she..." Rory trails off, more tears following. "Does your dad know where you are?" Sue asks gently. Rory shakes his head "Okay, why don't you come back to mine and I'll call him? He's probably worried out his mind." Sue tells him. Rory nods "Y-Yeah, okay." he says, letting Sue lead him to her car. Seeing how cold he is, Sue puts the heater on full blast as she starts driving to her house.

(Trigger Warning: Transphobia Mentioned)
When she pulls up, Sue leads Rory inside "Harry?" she calls out. "In here Sue." Harry responds from the living room. Sue leads Rory through, finding Harry, Leah and Seth all in the living room "Can you call Charlie? I have someone he's probably looking for." Sue tells her husband. Harry looks over "Rory? What you doing here son?" he asks. Sue motions Seth and Leah out, Leah nodding and pulling her brother from the room. Leah gently squeezes Rory's hand as she passes, already guessing what's happened. Sue leads Rory over to the sofa and makes him sit down "You want anything? Hot chocolate?" she asks. Rory weakly shakes his head "No thank you." he tells her. "Okay. While Harry calls your dad, do you want to tell me what happened?" Sue asks as Harry goes to the kitchen to call Charlie. "Bella... sh-she uh... she called m-me a tranny and a wh-whore. Said I sh-should be in a m-mental hospital." Rory mumbles, tears falling. "Oh sweetheart, come here." Sue tells him, pulling him into a hug. Rory lets out a small broken sob, Sue holding him close as he cries.
((Trigger Warning Over)

Leah knocks on the door and pokes her head in "Sorry, I noticed Rory's clothes were wet so I brought some sweats for him to change into." she explains. "Thank you Leah. Can you go tell your Father that Rory is staying here tonight?" Sue asks. "Yeah, you want me to set up the spare room?" Leah nods. "Please." Sue nods. Leah nods and puts the clothes on the coffee table before walking out, Rory snuffles slightly "I-I don't h-have to go h-home?" he asks. "I'm not letting you go back in this state, you can stay here tonight and I'll drop you home tomorrow." Sue tells him, gently stroking his hair. "Th-Thank you." Rory mumbles. "Come on, you get changed and get to bed. You're probably tired." Sue smiles. "I need to call the Cullen's, they will be worried." Rory tells her. "I'll call Carlisle while you change." Sue reassures him. Rory nods and grabs the sweats, walking out the room to the bathroom. Harry walks in soon after "I called Charlie, he said thank you for finding Rory and letting him stay the night. He also told me what Bella said." he tells his wife. Sue nods "I'm going to drop him home in the morning. Right now I need to call Carlisle, let him know to tell his kids that Rory is safe and with us." she tells him, getting up and walking to the kitchen.

Picking up the phone, Sue calls Carlisle "Hello?" Carlisle asks. "Carlisle, it's Sue Clearwater." she responds. "Sue, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Carlisle asks her. "I'm just calling to let you know that Rory is staying the night. He wanted you, Esme and the kids to know that he's safe." Sue explains. "Thank you for letting me know, I'll pass on the message. Is he alright?" Carlisle asks, his voice laced with concern. "Tired, he ran all the way from his to the Reservation sign. He's also emotionally drained, Bella said some things... I'll let him explain that once he's got some needed sleep." Sue responds. "We were worried she might say something to him. I'll let my children know where he is and that he's safe. Thank you again for letting me know." Carlisle tells her. "Of course. I'll get Rory to call when he is feeling better." Sue responds, hanging up.

Rory curls up in the spare bed, Leah knocking on the door and poking her head in "Hey Ree, I wanted to see if you wanted anything before I go to bed myself." she tells him. "I'm alright Leah, thanks." Rory tells her. Leah nods "For what it's worth, your sister is an idiot and doesn't deserve you in her life." she responds. Rory smiles weakly "Thanks Leah." he tells her. "I'll let you get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning." Leah smiles, closing the door. Rory picks up his phone as it buzzes, seeing messages in the group chat he has with his mates
Allie - Rory, where are you? Charlie just called us to say you ran out the house after Bella said some stuff x 10:54
Rosie - Baby, where are you? We're all worried x 10:59
Jazz - Please responds, we're going out our minds x 11:05
Eddie - Rory? Where are you? We're worried, please message us back x 11:13
Emmy - Ror, please let us know you're safe x 11:18
Jazz - Where are you Rory? We're searching all over but can't find you x 11:27
Rosie - Please let us know that you're safe baby x 11:34
Allie - Rory, please respond x 11:38
Eddie - Please message us back, we're worried x 11:42
Emmy - Please let us know where you are x 11:49
Rosie: Baby, where are you? Please let us know that you're safe x 11:55
Eddie: You've been missing over an hour, where are you? X 11:58
Jazz - please tell us you're safe x 00:04
Allie - Rory, please x 00:12
Emmy - Carlisle just told us that you're at the Clearwater's. Get some rest and we'll see you tomorrow. We all love you Baby x 00:19
Rory - I'm sorry for worrying you all. I love you and I'll explain what happened tomorrow x 00:24

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