Chapter Fifteen

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(Same outfit as last chapter)

As he walks he finds himself on the cliff tops in La Push, making him realise how far he walked. Sitting down, he looks out at the water as he grabs long pieces of grass and starts plaiting them. Hearing rustling behind him, Rory turns to see a large black wolf "Sam, I'm guessing?" he asks, the wolf looking at him in surprise. Rory chuckles "Uncle Billy told me all the legends growing up, it wasn't hard to work out what happened when you disappeared for a few days and came back different." he explains. The wolf goes behind a tree, Sam walking out from behind it a few seconds later "What you doing all the way out here, Rory?" he asks. "You want the list alphabetically or chronologically?" Rory asks him. Sam gives him a look "Fine. Bella is a bitch; she's still deadnaming and misgendering me, she broke my tv and xbox because I stood up for myself, she then told Dad that he and Renee should have dropped me off a cliff when I was dropped off on their doorstep as a baby, meaning I just found out I'm adopted." Rory explains. "Billy said it was bad but he didn't say Bella was that bad." Sam tells him, his jaw clenched. Rory shrugs "I've had most of it my whole life, it got worse when I came out." he responds. "If you ever need to get away you can always crash at mine." Sam says, trying to hold back a growl. "Thanks, Sam." Rory smiles. "Come on, my truck is nearby. I'll give you a lift home." Sam tells him, standing up and offering Rory a hand up. Rory takes it, Sam pulling him up as electricity sparks between their hands.

Sam pulls up to the Swan residence, climbing out the same time as Rory. The two of them walk to the front door, Rory walking in "You can come in if you want." he tells Sam. Nodding, Sam follows him into the house "Rory, there you are." Jacob smiles, hugging him. "Hey, sorry. I needed to get away for a bit." Rory responds, hugging his best friend back. Billy smiles when he sees Sam "Thank you for bringing him back, Sam." he tells the shifter. "Not a problem, Billy." Sam nods. Charlie walks downstairs and sighs in relief when he sees Rory "Rory." he says. "Hey, Dad. Sorry, I needed to clear my mind." Rory explains. "It's alright." Charlie tells him, hugging him. "We'll leave you to it, you know where to find us if you need anything." Billy tells them. "Thanks Uncle Billy." Rory nods. "I'll message you later." Jacob tells him, Rory smiling and nodding. "See you soon, Rory." Sam smiles, putting a hand on his shoulder before leaving with the other two. Rory sits down on the sofa, running a hand through his hair "I'm going to talk to Renee tomorrow about Bella meeting her and Phil on the road." Charlie tells him. "Don't, you shouldn't have to send Bella away just because we don't get along." Rory tells his Dad. "Rory, after what's been happening. I don't want you to go through all of this." Charlie explains. "I'm used to it Dad." Rory shrugs. "But you shouldn't have to be used to it." Charlie retorts. "I... I'm going to bed, night Dad." Rory sighs, getting up. "Night Son." Charlie responds.

Rory lies on the ground outside his house "Do we want to know why you're on the floor?" Edward asks as he and his siblings walk over

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Rory lies on the ground outside his house "Do we want to know why you're on the floor?" Edward asks as he and his siblings walk over. "I'm waiting to see if the ground will open up and swallow me." Rory responds. The siblings look at each other "Why?" Rosalie asks as they sit. "Bella." he responds. "What's she done this time?" Emmett frowns. "Told me I'm adopted in the shittiest way possible." Rory tells them. "Do you want to talk about?" Jasper asks. "No, I just want to spend time with you guys." Rory responds, sitting up. Emmett wraps his arms round Rory, making him smile and lean into him as his mates distract him from everything that has been happening.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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