Chapter One

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Rory wakes up and sighs as he climbs out of bed, looking in his wardrobe and cringing at all his clothes "Aurora, you up?" Charlie asks, Rory flinching slightly. "Yeah, dad. I'm up." he responds. "Okay, hurry up otherwise I won't be able to give you a lift to school." Charlie tells him. "On it dad." Rory tells him, hearing his dad walk down the stairs straight after. Sighing Rory grabs the baggiest shirt he can, a pair of skinny jeans and a beanie to change into. Once dressed and hiding his hair with the beanie, Rory walks down stairs and grabs an apple for breakfast "You ready to go?" Charlie asks. "Yeah." Rory nods grabbing his bag from the living room and following his dad out to the cruiser. "Remember, your meeting Doctor Cullen's daughter at the office. She's going to show you round the school and help you if you get lost or stuck." Charlie tells Rory. "I know dad." Rory nods, looking out the window. Charlie nods and carries on driving to the school "You spoken to your mum since you got here?" he asks. Rory shrugs "Not really. She's always been closer to Bella though." he responds, not wanting to tell his dad the real reason. "I can talk to her if you want." Charlie suggests. "N-no, it's alright dad...really." Rory tells him, trying not to let a panic attack rise. "Okay, as long as you're sure." Charlie nods. "I'm sure." Rory responds. Charlie pulls into the car park "You alright to walk to the diner after school?" he asks. "Yeah, that's fine dad." Rory nods. "Alright, see you later." Charlie tells him. "By dad." Rory says, climbing out the car.

Looking round Rory spots the reception and heads over, walking in and over to the desk "Hi, I'm A-Aurora Swan...I need to pick up my transcripts and timetable?" he tells the receptionist. "Of course sweetie. Give me two seconds just to get your timetable printed off for you." the receptionist tells him, Rory nodding in response. As the receptionist walks off a short girl with dark hair skips in "Hi, are you Aurora?" she asks. Rory nods awkwardly "Hi, I'm Alice Cullen. I said I would show you round and help you find your classes." Alice smiles. "Thanks." Rory smiles weakly. "You have a nickname I can use?" Alice asks. Rory shrugs "How about Rory?" Alice suggests. Rory's eyes widen and he nods a bit to fast "Rory it is." Alice smiles. The receptionist walks back in "Here you go sweetie." she smiles. "Thank you." Rory tells her before leaving with Alice. "Would you like to come meet my adopted siblings? They can be friendly faces you can go to if I'm not around." Alice asks. "S-sure." Rory nods, letting Alice lead him over to a male and female blonds, a tall muscular male and a copper haired male. "Guys, this is Rory Swan. Rory, they are my adopted siblings Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett and Edward." Alice introduces. Rory waves awkwardly "Hi." he says quietly. "Hi, I love your pin badges on your bag." Rosalie, the female blond, compliments. "Thanks, I like collecting new pin badges to add to it." Rory responds. Just then the first warning bell goes "Come on, you've got art with me and Jasper first." Alice smiles, taking Rory's hand and pulling him off with Jasper following.

Rory hands the art teacher the slip he needs signed "You can take a seat with Miss Cullen and Mr Hale as you seem to already know them. They can tell you what the project is." the teacher tells him as she signs the slip. Nodding, Rory takes the slip back and goes over to Alice and Jasper at the back of the classroom "Yay, you're sat with us. Okay, so, the project is freedom. You have to paint, draw or create ten pieces of work over the next two semesters representing what freedom is to you." Alice explains with a smile. Rory nods knowing what he wants to draw but scared of what people might think, pulling out his sketchbook and opening it to a new page. Alice smiles as she sees a few of the drawings on the page next to the page he's opened "I love those flowers you've drawn." she tells him. "Thanks, they're the ones that are outside my front door." Rory smiles. Jasper smiles slightly as he feels Rory's emotions calm slightly as he talks about his art "You've got such amazing detail on the petals and leaves." he tells Rory making the teen smile in appreciation. "I've always enjoyed drawing. It was a sort of...escape when I lived with my mum, step dad and sister. I've always been closer to my dad than my mum." Rory explains, stopping when he realises he's beginning to ramble. Alice smiles "Your experience shows. These are really good, the shading and the way you've got how the light hits on them." she tells him, Rory beginning to feel more comfortable and less anxious.

As lunch comes round Alice drags Rory to the cafeteria and over to her siblings table, Rory keeps his head down as everyone stares at him "Ignore them, they always stare at us. You're being stared at because you're sitting with us." Alice tells him as they sit. Rory nods and pulls out his lunch bag with another apple, a pack of pretzels and a granola bar "How's your first day been so far?" Emmett asks. "Good, Alice has made it better by sticking with me." Rory nod. "Alice does have a way of making people smile." Rosalie agrees. "What've you got next?" Edward asks. "Math." Rory responds. "Rosalie's in the same class as you next." Alice tells him. "I have a spare seat next to me, if we walk in together you should be sat next to me." Rosalie tells Rory with a smile. Rory nods with a smile "That's good. You guys can probably tell I'm not very...sociable." he explains. "Just means you have more to think about than talk about." Edward shrugs. "I guess." Rory nods with an awkward shrug. "Hey, this weekend Rosalie and I are going shopping. You want to come with us?" Alice asks. "Um, I'll have to check with my dad. If he says yes than sure." Rory responds.

After school Rory walks out of last lesson with Rosalie "You have our numbers, message Alice or I when you know about this weekend." Rosalie tells him. "I will." Rory smiles. "See you tomorrow." Rosalie smiles as she walks over to the cars she and her siblings bought with them that day. Rory sends the:a shy wave before he starts walking down the street that leads to the diner, as he does a car pulls along side "Rory? What you doing?" Edward asks from the drivers seat. "Walking to the diner?" Rory responds. "Jump in, I'll give you a lift. It looks like it's about to start raining." Edward tells him. Rory looks at the dark clouds and nods, climbing into the passenger seat "Thanks." he tells Edward. "No problem." Edward smiles as he starts driving towards the diner. "How was your day?" Edward asks. "It was good, it felt better knowing I knew someone in class." Rory responds, playing with a hole in his skinny jeans. Edward pulls into the diner "If you want a lift in the morning just message me or one of my siblings and one of us will come get you." he tells Rory. "Thanks for the lift. See you tomorrow." Rory responds. "See you tomorrow." Edward nods as he watches Rory climb out the car.

Rory walks into the diner and walks over to his dad who is sat at a table in the window "Hey dad." Rory greets. "Hey Aurora, how was school?" Charlie asks. "It was good, I spent lunch with Alice and her siblings. At least one of them was in each of my classes." Rory responds. Charlie nods "Alice? Doctor Cullen's daughter?" he asks. "Yeah, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett and Edward." Rory lists. "Good, that's good." Charlie nods. "Alice and Rosalie wanted to know if I could go shopping with them this weekend?" Rory asks. "Yeah, that's fine by me. Billy, Harry and I are going fishing anyway." Charlie responds. "I'll message Alice when we get home. Oh, Edward also so that he or one of his siblings can pick me up in the morning. That way you can go straight to work, rather than dropping me off at school first." Rory explains. "That's nice of them. As long as you're sure then I have no problem with it." Charlie tells him. "Thanks dad." Rory smiles.

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