Chapter Seven

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Rory sits eating his breakfast when Charlie walks downstairs in his police uniform "Morning dad." Rory smiles. "Morning Rory, you going to be alright getting to school?" Charlie asks him, making himself a cup of coffee. "Yeah, Jasper is picking me up." Rory responds. Charlie nods "Okay. I didn't get a chance to tell you yesterday but... Bella is coming to live with us." he tells him. "She's what?!" Rory exclaims. "I know you two don't get along but I couldn't say no to her, Renee is going travelling with Phil." Charlie explains. "Dad, she hates me! Like, literally hates me!" Rory stresses. "I'm sorry, she moving in just after Christmas." Charlie tells him. Rory sighs and gets up as Jasper pulls up outside "I'll see you later." he says, walking out. Climbing in the car, Rory's emotions are immediately felt by Jasper "What's wrong?" he asks, pulling away from the house. "Bella is moving in with us after Christmas. Mum is going travelling with her husband, Phil." Rory explains, his leg bouncing with anxiety and stress. Jasper reaches across the console and takes his hand "You'll be done Rory, you have me and the others backing you this time. You're not alone in this, I promise." he tells him, kissing Rory's knuckles. Rory nods with a small smile "Thanks Jaz." he responds.

The two of them pull up to the school and climb out the car, Alice immediately jumping on Rory in a hug "I just saw, you're not alone in this Rory." she tells him. "Thanks Allie Cat." Rory smiles, hugging her back before hugging the others. "Alice is right, Esme and Carlisle have already said if you need to get away from her you are more than welcome to stay with us for a bit." Emmett adds. Rory smiles at them "Tell them thank you for me." he responds. "Bell." Edward says, the warning bell going off a second later. "Show off." Rory teases, letting Rosalie and Alice take his hands and lead them all inside. "I'm just that talented." Edward jokes making Rory laugh. "It's almost as if you know things others don't." Rory laughs. "Hm, weird." Edward responds, putting a look of innocence on his face.

Soon September ends and October and November fly by into December. Rory sits on Emmett's lap reading their English text as Emmett plays on the Xbox with Jasper "Rory, Charlie is working Christmas isn't he?" Esme asks. "That's right." Rory nods, marking his page to look at his maternal figure. "Why don't you come and spend it with us? It's not any trouble, you know that." Esme suggests. Rory smiles "I'd love to Esme, I'll talk to dad tonight when I go home." he nods. "He's going to say he's." Alice pipes up from where she's doing Rosalie's nails. "Thanks Allie Cat." Rory smiles at her. Edward walks in, planting a kiss on Rory's head as he passes "Hunting go well?" Rory asks. "Very, good to see you here though." Edward smiles. Rory smiles back, turning back to his book "Dammit, how do you alway beat me on this map?!" Emmett whines at Jasper who shrugs. "I'm just good at this map." he responds, chuckling at the pout his brother is wearing. Emmett rests his chin on the top of Rory's head, looking at the book "Isn't this your sixth time reading it?" he asks. "Want to make sure I can memorise as much as I can for the end of year exams." Rory responds, not looking up from the book. "We'll make sure you give your eyes a rest soon, you've reading for nearly two hours." Esme pipes up from where she disappeared in the kitchen. "I will, I'm just finishing this chapter." Rory responds.

Alice suddenly zones out making everyone know she's in a vision, coming out of it she grins. Edward looks over, reading her mind and shakes his head fondly "What?" Emmett asks. "Alice has just seen what's happening Christmas Eve." Edward explains. "No telling Rory, it's a surprise." Alice warns Edward. "Okay, I won't." Edward says, putting his hand up. "Good." Alice nods. "Can I have a hint!?" Rory asks. "Nope, you already had a hint for you're Christmas presents." Alice tells him. "Well technically this isn't Christmas present... it's Christmas Eve." Rory grins cheekily, making Jasper, Emmett and Edward chuckle and Rosalie and Alice smile fondly. "Nope, it's still to do with Christmas so you're not getting a hint." Alice tells him. Rory pouts making his mates chuckle, Esme walks in carrying a bowl of noodles with pork "Here you go." she smiles, handing it to Rory. "Thank you Esme, it looks at smell delicious as always." Rory smiles, beginning to dig in. "I'm glad you like it, once you've finished there's chocolate fudge cake." Esme tells him. "Your amazing Esme." Rory grins, making his maternal figure smile at him.

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