Chapter Three

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Rory wakes up the next morning and quickly gets changed, into a baggy top, skinny jeans and a beanie, before walking downstairs "Morning dad." he smiles. "Morning Rory." Charlie responds. Rory picks up an apple and starts eating it "You got enough money for your shopping trip?" Charlie asks. "Yeah, Rose and Alice also told me they want to get me a couple outfits themselves. Late birthday or something." Rory responds, telling slight white lie knowing Charlie will feel guilty about someone buying clothes for him. "Okay, here's fifty though. Get yourself a hair cut and whatever else you want with it." Charlie says, handing him some money. "Th-Thanks dad." Rory smiles, tears in his eyes. "I have to get to Billy's, you good for me to go?" Charlie asks. "Yeah, have fun with Billy and Harry." Rory nods. Charlie nods and pulls on his jacket before leaving, Rory finishing his apple and eating a cereal bar as he waits for Alice and Rosalie to arrive, only having to wait five minutes til he heard a horn outside. Smiling he grabs his bag and walks outside, locking the house behind him before climbing into the back of Rosalie's convertible "Morning." he smiles. "Morning Rory." the two girls respond, Rosalie starting to drive as soon as Rory has his seat belt on. Rory smiles as Alice turns to face him "So, what's the plan for today?" he asks. "Up to you, anywhere you want to go?" Rosalie asks. " gave me money to get my hair cut." Rory responds. "Okay, we can go get your hair cut first." Alice tells him making him smile.

The trio arrive in Seattle, Rosalie parking near the shops "Come on, let's go find somewhere for you to get your hair cut." Alice grins. Rory smiles nervously "Do-do you know where there's a...barbers?" he asks. Rosalie smiles "There's one this way." she tells him. "Y-you guys kn-know?" Rory asks. "We all guessed. We don't car though,you're still Rory." Alice assures him. Rory smiles "Come on, we're here." Alice grins, pulling Rory into the Barbers. "Hi, my friend here would like his hair cut." Rosalie tells the man at the desk. "Of course, come take a seat and you can have a look at what you'd like." he responds. Rory nods and sits in a chair, looking at the pictures next to the mirror "Could I have something like that one please?" he asks, pointing at one. The man nods and puts a gown on Rory before starting to cut his hair for him. After about half hour the man finishes "All done." he tells them. Alice squeals "I love it!" she exclaims. Rory looks in the mirror and and feels happy tears in his eyes "Thank you, it's amazing." he tells the man. "No problem." the man nods before getting Rory to pay. "Okay. Now, we're buying you a whole new wardrobe. No arguments." Alice smiles, leading them out. "I'm not going to win this am I?" Rory asks Rosalie. "It's Alice so no." Rosalie responds with a smile making Rory laugh.

After five hours of non stop shopping, Alice and Rosalie paying for nearly everything minus Rory's food, they head back to the car and load all the bags into the trunk and back "I think this enough to fill five wardrobes Alice

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After five hours of non stop shopping, Alice and Rosalie paying for nearly everything minus Rory's food, they head back to the car and load all the bags into the trunk and back "I think this enough to fill five wardrobes Alice." Rory laughs. "We'll you need clothes for different occasions, weathers, You can't wear the same thing more than once a week." Alice tells him, Rory chuckling as she lists different things and reasons he needs the amount of clothes for. "Okay Alice, I think he gets it." Rosalie laughs. "Good." Alice smiles, climbing into the car. Rory shakes his head with a smile, climbing to the back of the car as Rosalie climbs into the drivers side "Remember to wear the outfit I told to you to wear on Monday. It's the perfect outfit to show who you are." Alice smiles. "I will Al." Rory responds. "Good." Alice nods.

Rosalie pulls up to the Swan residence, Rory spotting that Charlie still isn't back "Dad's still out fishing, you two want to come in for a bit?" he asks. "Sure, we can help you put your stuff away and put he stuff you don't want into bags." Rosalie smiles. "Thanks guys." Rory smiles, the three of them climbing out the car and grabbing Rory's bags. Rory opens the front door letting them all into the house and up to his room, dumping all the bags on his bed "Let's get to work then. First, lets bag up all the stuff you don't want anymore." Rosalie smiles. "I'll go get some sacks to put the stuff in." Rory nods, running downstairs and coming back with some black rubbish sacks. "Let's start with the draws and then work on the wardrobe after." Alice suggests making the other two nod and get to work.

(Trigger Warning: Transphobia Mentioned)
After a couple hours of laughing and chatting the old clothes are in the sacks and all the new clothes are in the draws and wardrobe "Thanks for today guys." Rory smiles. "No problem Rors, it's been fun spending the day with you." Rosalie smiles. "Yeah, we can do it again at some point. I know our adopted parents want to meet you soon aswell." Alice adds. Rory smiles, turning as he hears the front door open "Rory?" Charlie calls. "Upstairs with Alice and Rosalie, dad." Rory responds. Charlie heads upstairs and pokes his head in "Hey, you must be Rosalie and Alice." he greets. "That's us sir. I'm Alice this is Rosalie." Alice smiles. "Pleasure to meet you sheriff." Rosalie adds. "Nice to meet you too. I'll be downstairs with you guys need anything. Oh and Rory, nice haircut." Charlie smiles before heading back downstairs. Rory smiles "Your dad seems alright with everything." Rosalie comments. "Yeah, just my mum, sister snd step dad who do." Rory responds. "What do you mean? If you don't mind." Alice asks. "Mum kicked me out for being trans. Bella didn't stick up for me at all when mum called me a tranny, neither did Phil my step dad." Rory explains. "She what?!" Rosalie and Alice exclaim. Rory shrugs, looking down "Not important." he tells them. "It is Rory, she's your mum. She's meant to support you in everything that you do and especially with who you are." Rosalie tells him pulling him onto the bed and hugging him, Alice joining the hug from the other side. "Thanks guys, you two are really great friends." Rory tells them with a smile.
(Trigger Warning Over)

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