Chapter Nine

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(Time skip to mid January, Rory's had his top surgery (a few days before New Years) and has started taking t thanks to Carlisle pulling some strings (I didn't know how to write it 😅), he's has got closer to the Cullens and everyone in La Push, and Bella is arriving in this chapter)

(Time skip to mid January, Rory's had his top surgery (a few days before New Years) and has started taking t thanks to Carlisle pulling some strings (I didn't know how to write it 😅), he's has got closer to the Cullens and everyone in La Push, an...

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Rory sit on his bed, working on his homework "Rory, I'm going to head off to pick up Bella from the airport." Charlie tells him from his doorway. "Mhm." Rory responds, his father knowing how he feels about his sister coming to live with them. "I know you're not happy about it Rory, just try and be civil?" Charlie pleads. "I will if she does." Rory retorts. Charlie sighs "I'll be back soon." he tells his son. "No rush." Rory smiles stiffly. "Why don't you call the Cullen's over?" Charlie suggests. "They're out of town for a couple days, they're getting back tonight." Rory responds, his mates, Carlisle and Esme having gone hunting over the weekend. "Okay, I'll be back before dinner. Billy and Jacob are heading up later, we could order in for the five of us." Charlie suggests. "Sounds good." Rory nods, Charlie leaving after getting a response.

After a while Rory groans and puts his homework away, having done nearly all of it anyway. Sighing, he pulls out his phone and rings the satellite phone (A satellite telephone, satellite phone or satphone is a type of mobile phone that connects to other phones or the telephone network by radio link through satellites orbiting the Earth instead of terrestrial cell sites, as cellphones do.) his mates had taken with them "Rory!" Alice squeals down the phone, picking up straight away. "Rory? Is he okay? Does he need us to come back early?" Rosalie asks in the background. "I'm fine Rose, just calling while dad is out picking up Bella." Rory explains. "We can come home now, you can come stay with us." Rosalie tells him. "It's alright, you guys need to hunt, besides I'll see you at school tomorrow." Rory smiles. "We just don't like the idea of he being near you, especially with how she makes you feel." Jasper pipes up. "I'll be fine. Dad is gonna be here and Billy is coming up with Jake, she'll have to be civil around them." Rory tells them unsurely. "So why do you sound so unsure?" Emmett asks. " I'll be fine. If I need you I'll call you. I just needed so reprieve before she arrives." Rory explains. "Wee always here for you Rory. You let us know the minute you feel like you need to get out of there and we'll come get you." Edward tells him. "Okay..." Rory mumbles. "Hey, we'll be there. Promise." Alice tells him. "Is that a premonition?" Rory asks with a chuckle. "I don't need to see the future in order to know we'll always be there for you Ror." Alice tells him. Rory here a car pull up making him look out the window "Dad's back with Bella, I'll call you if I need you." he tells his mates. "And we will be there." Rosalie assures. "I know. Bye." Rory smiles, getting goodbyes in response before hanging up.

Rory takes a breath to calm his nerves as he hears his dad enter the house with Bella "Ror?" Charlie calls. "Coming dad." he calls back, walking out his room and downstairs. Walking into the living room he sees Bella and his dad "Hi Bella." he greets. "Aurora?" Bella asks in shock at the change of appearance in her sibling. "It-It's Rory now." Rory finches. "Right." Bella says, looking Rory over. "I put Grandpa's old desk in your room. And I cleared some shelves in the bathroom." Charlie tells Bella, trying to break the tension between his children. "That's right. One bathroom." Bella grimaces slightly, Rory clenching his jaw slightly. "I'll just put these up in your room." Charlie says, going to pick up Bella's luggage. "I can do it." Bella says, reaching for the bags, the two of them bumping into each other awkwardly. Bella back off letting Charlie take the bags "I can help dad." Rory tells him. "No, you're not allowed to lift stuff for at least another week or so. Carlisle sent me the booklet knowing you'd try and do things you're not meant to." Charlie tells his son. Rory groans slightly "Fine." he grumbles.
They both reach for the bags, bumping one another awkwardly. Bella backs off, letting Charlie carry the bags upstairs. "Why isn't she allowed to lift stuff?" Bella asks. "He's recently had his top surgery, meaning he's still healing." Charlie explains, emphasising Rory's pronouns. Rory weakly smiles "I'm gonna go find the take out menus." he says, walking into the kitchen as his dad and sister head upstairs.

After a few minutes, Rory finds the menu as he hears a truck pull up outside. Smiling he walks outside to find his best friend and his 'uncle' "Jake!" he grins. "Rory!" Jacob smiles, the two of them doing the handshake they made up when they were eight. Charlie walks out and chuckles at the two boys as he greets Billy "Hi Uncle Billy." Rory smiles. "Hi Rory." Billy responds as Bella walks outside. "Bella, you remember Billy Black." Charlie says. "Glad you're finally here. Charlie hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming." Billy tells her. "Keep exaggerating, I'll wheel you down the hill." Charlie playfully threatens. "Right after I ram you in the ankles." Bully retorts, taking several rolls at Charlie who dodges. Jacob and Rory chuckle and shake their heads at their dad's "I'm Jacob. We made mud pies together when we were little kids." Billy tells Bella. "Yeah... I think I remember... Are they always like this?" Bella asks, motioning to Charlie and Billy. "It's getting worse with old age." Jacob jokes. Charlie heads back over and pats the hood of the truck "So what do you think of your homecoming gift?" he asks Bella. "No way. The truck is for me?" Bella asks. "Just bought it off Billy, here." Charlie nods. "I rebuilt the engine and-" Jacob starts. "It's perfect!" Bella grins, rushing to the truck with Jacob eagerly following after her. "I'll be inside." Rory tells his dad and Billy, walking inside before either Charlie or Billy can say anything.

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