Chapter 14

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Alderfall raced to the edge of the camp, tripping over rocks as her paws kicked up dirt and pebbles. "They've what?!"

Voleshine panted, probably tired from the run. "I saw them sneaking into our territory while I was hunting!"

"Did they see you?" Junipermist asked, his eyes filled with worry.

"No, but I think they scented me." Voleshine was trying to calm down now.

Alderfall turned to her perturbed clanmates, who were muttering amongst themselves. "PineClan!" Alderfall yowled. As soon as the noise died down, Alderfall gave orders.

"We are being invaded, but even at this time of worry we will need to stay strong.

Junipermist, Branchtail, and Scurryclaw, go get the kits into the nursery. We might want to cover the nursery up."

Junipermist, Branchtail and Scurryclaw all ushered the kits to the nursery, despite the kit's protests. They started grabbing rocks that were laying around camp, and began covering the nursery. Alderfall turned back to the other cats.

"Apprentices, guard the camp. We must know when they are near the camp. And once you scent them, come and warn us."

The apprentices nodded and went to guard the entrance to the camp.

Alderfall resumed. "And elders, stay in the elder den. Hide as far in the back of it as you can. Hopefully the Dark cats won't see you."

The elders nodded, though Whitefur was already in the elders' den.

"And warriors... Be ready. Go hide. We're gonna try to sneak up on them"

As she said it, all of the warriors went into hiding spots.

Turtlepaw came back from guarding the camp. He was running. Alderfall could guess what was going on. They're already here.

She saw the other apprentices coming into the camp. "Everyone go hide." Alderfall said. The apprentices looked puzzled, but obeyed.

Alderfall stayed where she was.

As the dark cats emerged from the entrance of the camp, Alderfall held her breath.

Shadow padded up to Alderfall.

Alderfall looked at the medicine den, where Smokestripe was peeking out of the vines. "So... did you bring your little DeathClan warriors?"

Shadow hissed. "So, where's all of your pathetic clanmates?" He spat, ignoring the question. And even though his voice was harsh, a glint of fear shone in his eyes.

"They went to deal with some business." Alderfall lied.

"When did they leave?" Shadow demanded.

"About a day ago."

"If that's so, why do I still smell PineClan's fresh scent in the air? It's not yours..."

Alderfall became aggravated, knowing that she couldn't do anything to stop him from wondering where Alderfall's clanmates were.

"PineClan, attack!!" Alderfall screeched. In a split-second, all of PineClan's warriors rocketed out of the bushes. Pelts were already being shredded.

"Alderfall!" Dawnstar yowled. Alderfall spun around, trying to find Dawnstar. She was battling with Shadow. He had her pinned under his paws.

Alderfall raced frantically toward Dawnstar, knocking Shadow off. He fell to the ground with a grunt, and got back up. A hint of fear from before covered his eyes.

"Why are you attacking PineClan? It's SmokeClan that threw you out!"

"How do you know that? It was moons ago!" He shook his head. "Nevermind that. I've already dealt with SmokeClan. Now it's your turn!" He lunged at Alderfall, teeth bared, claws unsheathed. Alderfall tried dodging out of the way, but she couldn't. Her paw got stuck in a vine!

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