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Alderfall was padding towards the moonpool, hanging her head. Bluear, the new medicine cat, padded alongside Alderfall. Waterleaf had died of greencough, and Dawnstar had lost her lives to a dog that had attacked all of the Clan cats at a gathering. Alderfall felt great sentiment toward the death of her friends.

So now I'm going to be leader... Alderfall had been waiting for this day, but she had hoped that Dawnstar would step down, not die.

"Hey." Bluear reassured Alderfall. "She died protecting the forest. She died a leader, but will live in StarClan as a hero."

Bluear was Junipermist and Dawnstar's kit. He had decided to become a medicine cat after Waterleaf had treated everyone from greencough.

"Yeah... I guess." Alderfall sighed. She walked into the tunnels, and darkness engulfed her. She walked around, feeling like she was blind.

Bluear was padding easily through the tunnels. "Wait!" Alderfall huffed as she rushed to catch up to the tom who was twisting and turning with ease. "How do you know these so well?"

Bluear chuckled. "When kits or apprentices want to become medicine apprentices, they come here. They also come here when they get their medicine cat name. And every moon, me and all of the medicine cats and apprentices come here to see what news StarClan has in store for us. So I went here more than once when Waterleaf was my mentor." His voice choked. He was obviously sad for his mentor. Why is it that for the most important roles of a clan, your mentor, or your leader, has to die? Alderfall thought that it was the most unfair thing.

Alderfall could smell fresh air. Did we go the wrong way? She fretted. But as they were trekking through the small cave wall, she saw a large crystal with a pool of water around it, moonlight shining through the hole in the wall. Alderfall stared at the crystal in awe. She felt the pelts of the spirit cats surrounding her, hearing them whispering praises.

"Now, just lay down on the floor and try to go to sleep in front of the moonpool." Bluear mewed.

Alderfall looked at him, and nodded. She stood in front of the moonpool, admiring the glow of the moon reflecting off of the crystal, and the crystal bouncing it back to the water. She lay down, tucking her paws under her chest, wrapping her tail around her flank, and fell asleep.

Alderfall awoke, but she wasn't in the living world. Is this StarClan? It must be. Where else would I be?

She stared at the ground. The grass looked real, but she could see that it was shining.

She awaited for somecat to guide her through the starry place. Is that a mouse? And a squirrel? Alderfall realized that there were several pieces of prey scurrying around. "It's nice to finally see you again." Alderfall recognized a voice. She looked up. A silver glossy she cat with green eyes was staring at her with a young smile on her face.

Waterleaf? No, that can't be her. She's so... young.

"Welcome to StarClan."

"Waterleaf?" Alderfall stared in astonishment. Even her voice sounded the same as the former medicine cat's.

Waterleaf nodded. "I know. Everything that has scarred my past is gone. It's hard to recognize me when I'm not so old."

"But you were an apprentice the same time I was!" Alderfall exclaimed.

"Yes, but I got put behind because I wanted to be a warrior at first, but halfway through my training I decided to be a medicine cat. So it took longer for me to learn all of the herbs. Also, medicine apprentices don't become a full medicine cat until their mentor dies." Her eyes became clouded. "I know I'm not supposed to ask about things in the living world, but how's Bluear doing?"

(Finished!) Warriors Fanfiction: The Same FateWhere stories live. Discover now